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Date: 1-15 October 2019
Six people die in coal mines over the weekend
In Russian: https://eadaily.com/en/news/2019/10/07/v-kirgizii-shest-chelovek-pogibli-v-shahtah
The echo of the tragedy: Kyrgyzstan to tighten regulation of coal companies
Video of how illegal coal mines are run in Kyrgyzstan
In Russian: https://rus.azattyk.org/a/Kyrgyzstan-illegal-coal-mine/30204293.html
Delegation from EU and EBRD visits Oshelectro’s smart metering and GIS systems (subscription)
In Russian: www.tazabek.kg/news:1571115?f=cp
PM Abylgaziev calls for review of options for reviving Bishkek’s second CHP plant (subscription)
In Russian: www.tazabek.kg/news:1570785?f=cp
Poor quality gasoline destroys the health of Kyrgyzstan
In Russian: https://rus.azattyk.org/a/kyrgyzstan-oil-ecology/30213178.html
Coal supply to Bishkek CHP plant. Again corruption?
In Russian: https://www.vb.kg/doc/382144_postavka_yglia_na_tec_bishkeka._opiat_korrypciia.html
All boiler houses in Osh ready for the heating season
In Russian: http://kabar.kg/news/vse-kotel-nye-osha-polnost-iu-gotovy-k-otopitel-nomu-zimnemu-periodu/
It is very important to prevent coal prices from rising in winter - Osh Mayor
In Russian: http://kabar.kg/news/ochen-vazhno-ne-dopuskat-rosta-tcen-na-ugol-v-zimnii-period-mer-osha/
New system to block dust release from coal installed at Bishkek CHP plant
Uzbekneftegaz and SOCAR to consider joint oil production in the Caspian
In Russian: https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2019/10/15/socar/
Uzbekistan announces winner for first solar PV tender
Uzbekneftegaz eyes to up exports by SOCAR Trading
In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=157317&cat=oil_and_gas
Bukhara introduces innovative technologies in the power industry
In Russian: http://www.uzdaily.com/ru/post/46759
Over US$ 44 million lost for heating Tashkent annually
In Russian: https://podrobno.uz/cat/economic/ezhegodno-svyshe-44-millionov-dollarov-/
Uzbekistan tests Belarusian Vitovt electric bus
In Russian: http://kabar.kg/news/uzbekistan-protestiroval-i-prinial-v-ekspluatatciiu-belorusskii-elektrobus-vitovt/
ADB allocates funds for HPPs construction in Uzbekistan
In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=157007&cat=region
IAEA discusses Uzbekistan's nuclear energy program
In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=156958&cat=region
Underground oil refinery discovered in Ferghana region
in Russian: https://fergana.agency/news/111612/
Strategy for the transition to Green Economy approved
In Russian: https://www.uzdaily.uz/ru/post/46626
Renewable energy development will not lead to higher prices - Ministry of Energy
In Russian: https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2019/10/07/energy/
Turkey-Japan joint project in Uzbekistan to save up to 500 million cubic meters of gas
In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=156907&cat=region
EBRD plans to boost green energy financing in Uzbekistan
In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=156902&cat=region
Uzbeknefteqaz Board Chairman: SOCAR provides a lot of technical support for us
In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=156846&cat=oil_and_gas
IFC to help Uzbekistan find money for a power plant in Sirdaryo region
In Russian: https://fergana.agency/news/111297/
Uzbekistan plans to double hydropower plant's capacity
In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=156768&cat=region
Four reactors instead of two: Uzbekistan to increase capacity of planned nuclear power plant
In Russian: https://eurasia.expert/uzbekistan-uvelichit-moshchnost-novoy-aes/
Uzbekistan chooses nuclear energy (le Figaro)
In Russian: https://inosmi.ru/economic/20191007/245965774.html
Ministry of Energy reports that Uzbekistan uses hydraulic fracturing for gas production
In Russian: https://podrobno.uz/cat/economic/minenergo-zayavilo-chto-v-uzbekistane-ispolzuyut-/
Gas supplying enterprises receive 188 billion soums (US$ 19.9 million) after raising tariffs illegally
In Russian: https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2019/10/07/gas-companies/
Uzbeks consume the least amount of electricity per capita in the CIS after Kyrgyzstan
Uzbekistan plans to set higher electricity tariff for cryptocurrency mining companies
In Russian: http://uzdaily.uz/ru/post/46524
ADB to support the construction of several hydropower plants in Qashqadaryo region
In Russian: https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2019/10/02/ges/
Shell to build gas processing plant with a capacity of 5 billion cubic meters per year
In Russian: https://fergana.agency/news/111596/
IMF praises Tajikistan for raising electricity tariffs
In Russian: https://fergana.agency/news/111554/
More than 3.9 billion kWh generated at Dushanbe TPP-2 since 2014
Slightly more than half of boiler houses in Tajikistan ready for work in the winter
In Russian: http://avesta.tj/2019/10/11/v-tadzhikistane-k-rabote-v-zimnij-period-gotovy-chut-bolee-poloviny-kotelnyh/
Tajik electricity exports drop sharply due to attack on transmission line in Afghanistan
Dushanbe thermal power plants are ready for the heating season
In Russian: http://avesta.tj/2019/10/07/dushanbinskie-tets-gotovy-k-rabote-v-osenne-zimnij-sezon/
President tells Al Jazeera about the importance of energy, Rogun HPP and CASA-1000
Sangtuda-1 inspected for cold season readiness
In Russian: http://avesta.tj/2019/10/01/sangtudinskuyu-ges-1-proverili-na-gotovnost-k-rabote-v-osenne-zimnij-period/
Nur-Sultan’s CHP plants to connect to gas network in summer 2020
In Russian: https://kursiv.kz/news/otraslevye-temy/2019-10/stolichnye-tec-podklyuchat-k-gazu-letom-2020-goda
Mayor Kulginov speaks about how gasification of the capital will reduce emissions
Saryarka gas pipeline reaches Nur-Sultan. What's next?
In Russian: https://kapital.kz/economic/81861/gazoprovod-saryarka-doshel-do-nur-sultana-chto-dalshe.html
Kazakh gasoline and diesel fuel production up by 13% and 9% respectively
Samruk-Kazyna to buy half of Ekibastuz state district power station-2 before end of the year
In Russian: https://kursiv.kz/news/kompanii/2019-10/samruk-kazyna-vykupit-polovinu-ekibastuzskoy-gres-2-do-konca-goda
Bioethanol production to start in North Kazakhstan
In Russian: https://forbes.kz/news/2019/10/07/newsid_209772
New solar park to be built in Turkestan region
In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=156886&cat=region
Kazakhstan's top renewable energy producing regions named
In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=156727&cat=region
Transportation of Kazakh oil through the BTC pipeline may become possible in the future - Minister of Energy
In Russian: https://www.trend.az/business/energy/3130683.html
Electricity tariffs increase in three regions of Kazakhstan
In Russian: https://www.korem.kz/rus/press-centr/novosti_otrasli/?cid=0&rid=8655
Are thermal power plants in the capital ready to switch to gas?
In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/en/naskol-ko-stolichnye-tec-gotovy-k-perehodu-na-gaz_a3574420
Karachaganak field resumes operation after major repairs
In Russian: https://www.trend.az/business/energy/3132925.html
Kashgan production to increase by 500 thousand barrels
Kazakhstan offered to increase use of actions for the sale of LPG
Coal scuffle between Russia and Kazakhstan
In Russian: https://eenergy.media/2019/10/14/mezhdu-rossiej-i-kazahstanom-obostrilsya-ugol/
How much money is needed for the gasification of Nur-Sultan?
In Russian: https://eenergy.media/2019/10/08/skolko-sredstv-potrebuetsya-dlya-gazifikatsii-nur-sultana/
Gas price in Kazakhstan to increase five times after removal of regulations - monopolists
Karaganda to become pioneer in green bonds
Cost of electric buses purchased for the capital announced
In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/ru/nazvana-stoimost-priobretaemyh-dlya-stolicy-elektroavtobusov_a3571653
Turkmenistan and Pakistan to negotiate TAPI gas pipeline project
In Russian: https://www.trend.az/business/energy/3132716.html
UAE and Afghanistan buy liquefied gas in Turkmenistan
In Russian: https://www.trend.az/business/energy/3132618.html
Naip field completes modernization of gas processing unit
In Russian: http://turkmenistan.gov.tm/?id=19650
Turkmenistan’s mainline to China
In English: https://eurasianet.org/turkmenistans-mainline-to-china
Ukrainian Naftogaz is interested in receiving Turkmen gas from independent producers
In Russian: https://rus.azathabar.com/a/30199466.html
Ukrainian Naftogaz calls on Gazprom to unblock access to Turkmen gas
In Russian: https://orient.tm/naftogaz-trebuet-ot-gazproma-razblokirovat-dostup-k-turkmenskomu-gazu/
Afghanistan looking for US$ 12 billion in investments for TAPI promised previously by Ashgabat
In Russian: https://www.hronikatm.com/2019/10/suitcase-without-handle/
Other regional news
CASA-1000 project: are clouds gathering?
In Russian: http://avesta.tj/2019/10/04/proekt-casa-1000-tuchi-sgushhayutsya/
EDB intends to finance US$ 600 million of renewable energy projects
In Russian: https://kapital.kz/economic/81847/eabr-nameren-profinansirovat-proekty-vie-na-600-mln.html
Energy Charter Secretariat publishes Energy Investment Risk Assessment 2019
EAEU countries identify principles for harmonizing gas policies
In Russian: https://rg.ru/2019/10/02/strany-eaes-opredelili-principy-garmonizacii-zakonodatelstv.html
Kazakhstan oil and gas industry: circumstances are not a hindrance
In Russian: https://kapital.kz/economic/81656/kazahstanskaya-neftegazovaya-otrasl-obstoyatelstva-ne-pomeha.html
Energy Investment Risk Assessment - Country profile Kazakhstan
In English: https://eira.energycharter.org/country-profiles/13-countries/35-kazakhstan.html
Energy Investment Risk Assessment - Country profile Kyrgyzstan
In English: https://eira.energycharter.org/country-profiles/13-countries/34-kyrgyzstan.html
Energy Investment Risk Assessment - Country profile Uzbekistan
In English: https://eira.energycharter.org/country-profiles/13-countries/18-uzbekistan.html
Oil and Gas Turkmenistan Exhibition - 22-24 October 2019, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Website: http://www.turkmenoilgas.com/
Power Uzbekistan - 13-15 May 2020, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Website: http://power-uzbekistan.uz/