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15-31 August 2019
Energy sector needs urgent reforms - President Jeenbekov
In Russian: https://kyrtag.kg/ru/news/energosektor-nuzhdaetsya-v-bezotlagatelnykh-reformakh-zheenbekov
Amendments to the agreement on the supply of petroleum products to Kyrgyzstan submitted for ratification to the State Duma
First Deputy Prime Minister holds talks on energy sector development prospects
National Energy Holding decides to reduce staff and raise salaries
In Russian: https://24.kg/ekonomika/127761_natsenergoholding_reshil_sokratit_shtat_ipodnyat_zarplatu_/
Water level at Toktogul dam down by 2.1 billion cubic meters from 2018
In Russian: https://24.kg/ekonomika/127756_obyem_vodyi_vtoktogulke_na21_milliarda_kubometrov_menshe_chem_v2018_godu_/
Batken entrepreneur to build a hydropower plant for US$ 1 million
In Russian: https://rus.azattyk.org/a/kyrgyzstan_batken_ges_investor/30122676.html
State Committee on Energy (GKPEN) plans to increase coal production and export to neighboring countries
In Russian: http://kabar.kg/news/gkpen-planiruet-uvelichit-dobychu-uglia-i-eksportirovat-ego-v-sosednie-strany/
Cryptocurrency miners come to Kyrgyzstan for the cheap electricity - National Energy Holding
In Russian: http://kabar.kg/news/mainery-prishli-v-kr-za-deshevym-elektrichestvom-glava-natcenergokholdinga/
Additional 600 MW of capacity can make Kyrgyzstan energy independent - National Energy Holding
Kyrgyzstan owes US$ 15 million for revocation of license for Kutessay II
In English: https://24.kg/english/127293_Kyrgyzstan_owes__15_million_for_revocation_of_license_for_Kutessay_II/
National Energy Holding in negotiations with Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan on import of electricity for the next heating period
In Russian: http://energo-cis.ru/news/oao_nacionalnaya1567064671/?year=2019&month=8
Rosatom sure that every dollar invested in Uzbek NPP will bring at least US$ 7
From industrial giants to greenhouses - Kashkadarya expecting the completion of new gas processing complex and investors from Russia
In Russian: https://rg.ru/2019/08/29/v-uzbekistane-zavershaiut-stroitelstvo-gazopererabatyvaiushchego-kompleksa.html
Uzbekistan and China discuss energy projects
In Russian: http://uzdaily.uz/ru/post/45807
"Miracle in the desert" and kindergartens - Gazprom increases investments in social projects in Uzbekistan
In Russian: https://rg.ru/2019/08/29/lukojl-narashchivaet-vlozheniia-v-socialnuiu-sferu-uzbekistana.html
On the road to the "atomic club" - Interview with Rusatom CEO
In Russian: https://rg.ru/2019/08/29/v-uzbekistane-stroiat-pervuiu-aes-s-pomoshchiu-rossijskih-specialistov.html
First electric train on the Pap - Namangan line
In Russian: https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2019/08/30/rail/
Uzbekistan plans to bring renewable energy share to 25%
In Russian: http://energo-cis.ru/news/uzbekistan_planiruet_dovesti/?year=2019&month=8
US$ 553 million needed to upgrade Bukhara oil refinery in Uzbekistan
Turonbank signs another bilateral agreement with China Eximbank for US$ 65.5 million to finance HPP projects and upgrades
In Russian: http://uzdaily.uz/ru/post/45742
Nearly two thousand consumers accused of gas theft in Uzbekistan. Losses amount to 40 billion UZS (US$ 4.25 million)
In Russian: https://podrobno.uz/cat/obchestvo/v-uzbekistane-ulichili-v-khishchenii-gaza-pochti-/
Billion dollar Uzbek-Chinese investment fund created to support oil and gas
In Russian: https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2019/08/28/fund/
Uzbek Ministry of Energy talks on joint project with Gazprom
In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=154946&cat=region
Uzbekistan bans import of energy-inefficient equipment
In Russian: http://uzdaily.uz/ru/post/45674
Uzbek government to subsidize solar PV systems and solar water heaters
In Russian: https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2019/08/23/renewable-energy/
Possibilities for a new gas-chemical complex in Karakalpakstan. Reserves of three new fields estimated at 1 trillion cubic meters of gas
IAEA delegation visits Uzbekistan
In Russian: http://uzdaily.uz/ru/post/45590
Text of the new law on accelerated measures to increase energy efficiency in economic and social sectors, the introduction of energy-saving technologies and the development of renewable energy sources
In Russian: http://uza.uz/ru/documents/ob-uskorennykh-merakh-po-povysheniyu-energoeffektivnosti-otr-23-08-2019
ADB to support PPP for the construction of solar projects
In Russian: http://uzdaily.uz/ru/post/45561
Experts adjust President Mirziyoyev’s plans for small-hydropower projects
In Russian: https://fergana.agency/news/109942/
Rogun hydroelectric station will consolidate the whole of Central Asia - interview
Dushanbe resident accused of stealing over US$ 600,000 in electricity
Rahmon launches modernization of Kairakkum hydroelectric station
In Russian: https://fergana.agency/news/110192/
Due for disposal. Tajik warehouses full with 500,000 used energy-saving lamps
In Russian: https://rus.ozodi.org/a/30115960.html
TBEA helps Tajik electricity exports
In Russian: http://avesta.tj/2019/08/20/tvea-sposobstvuet-eksportu-tadzhikskoj-elektroenergii/
About 1 million tons of coal produced in Tajikistan in 2019
In Russian: http://avesta.tj/2019/08/23/v-tadzhikistane-dobyto-okolo-1-mln-tonn-uglya/
Saryrka gas pipeline construction to be completed before the end of the year
In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/en/stroitel-stvo-gazoprovoda-saryrka-polnost-yu-zavershat-do-konca-goda_a3560332
Saryarka gas pipeline to reach the capital in October
In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/en/gazoprovod-saryarka-dostignet-stolicy-v-oktyabre_a3559002
120th anniversary of Kazakh oil celebrated in Aktobe
In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/en/120-letie-kazahstanskoy-nefti-otmetili-v-aktobe_a3560927
Tengiz, Karachaganak, Kashagan - the three fields that will ensure the growth of oil production in Kazakhstan
More than two thousand tons of oil stolen in Mangistau
In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/en/bolee-dvuh-tysyach-tonn-nefti-pohitili-chleny-opg-v-mangistau_a3560919
Beineu-Shymkent gas pipeline attracts concessionary finance
In Russian: https://forbes.kz/process/energetics/gazoprovod_beyneu-shyimkent_privlek_vyigodnyiy_kredit/
Pavlodar petrochemical plant to begin production of jet kerosene Jet A-1
CHP plant in the capital to switch to natural gas for the next heating season
In Russian: https://kapital.kz/economic/80800/tec-stolicy-perevedut-na-gaz-k-sleduyucshemu-otopitelnomu-sezonu.html
Economy Minister Ruslan Dalenov speaks about oil output in 2024
In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/en/kakim-budet-ob-em-dobychi-nefti-v-2024-godu-rasskazal-ruslan-dalenov_a3560053
Ministry of Finance forecasts growth in non-oil revenues
In Russian: https://kursiv.kz/news/ekonomika/2019-08/rost-neneftyanykh-postupleniy-prognoziruyut-v-minfine
Construction starts on Zhanatasskaya wind power project in Zhambyl region
Governor of North-Kazakhstan region introduces controls on coal prices
In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/en/kontrolirovat-ceny-na-ugol-poruchil-akim-sko_a3560169
Kazakhstan plans to increase oil production to 100 million tons
In Russian: https://dknews.kz/inner-news.php?id_cat=11&&id=16660
Four billion cubic meters of gas produced in Tengiz in H1 2019
In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/en/na-tengize-za-polgoda-dobyli-4-mlrd-kubometrov-gaza_a3557264
Innovative enterprises need replication (Gas Processing Company)
In Russian: https://forbes.kz/process/energetics/innovatsionnyie_predpriyatiya_nujno_tirajirovat/
Kazakhstan begins exporting gasoline to Tajikistan
In Russian: https://neftegaz.ru/news/petroleum-products/480891-kazakhstan-nachal-eksportirovat-benzin-v-tadzhikistan/
International expert on oil and gas issues appointed in Turkmenistan
In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=155368&cat=region
Turkmenistan gets a taste of Singapore’s economic miracle
In Russian: http://www.ng.ru/cis/2019-08-27/5_7660_turkmenia.html
Seydi Oil Refinery increases profit from exports
GP Global Equipment and Türkmengaz sign contract for the construction of gas compressor station in Central Karakum fields
TNÖ expands gas station network in Lebap province
In Russian: http://www.turkmenistan.gov.tm/?id=19306
Familiar faces. European and Chinese investors interested in developing a methanol plant from natural gas in Turkmenistan
Other regional news
EAEU common electricity market to launch no later than January 1, 2025
In Russian: http://energo-cis.ru/news/obschiy_elektroenergeticheskiy/?year=2019&month=8
Materials from the 54th meeting of the CIS Electric Power Council
In Russian: http://energo-cis.ru/rumain51281/
Renewables in every home - barriers to for the development of small scale renewables in Kazakhstan
In Russian: https://www.zakon.kz/4982286-vie-v-kazhdyy-dom-osnovnye-barery-dlya.html
Your technological progress is of interest - Why build nuclear power plants in the earthquake-prone areas of Uzbekistan and who chose a project not licensed in the West
In Russian: https://fergana.agency/articles/110246/
Kazakhstan will lose US$14 billion if it does not shift to a “Green Economy”
CAREC Energy Ministers Dialogue - 20 September 2019, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Website: https://www.carecprogram.org/?page_id=24
CAREC Energy Investment Forum - 21-22 September 2019, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Website: https://www.carecprogram.org/?page_id=24
6th Downstream Caspian and Central Asia conference, 23-24 September 2019, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Website: https://globuc.com/downstream-centralasia/
Renewable energy summit - 25 September 2019, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Website: https://www.resummit.kz/ru/
Kazakhstan energy week - 23-27 September 2019, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Website: http://kazenergyforum.com/
Oil and Gas Turkmenistan Exhibition - 22-24 October 2019, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Website: http://www.turkmenoilgas.com/
Power Uzbekistan - 13-15 May 2020, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Website: http://power-uzbekistan.uz/