Борбордук Азиядагы Америка Университети - БААУ -

Center for Civic Engagement

The AUCA Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) continues to enhance the capacity of AUCA students, faculty, and staff to be positive members of and leaders in their communities, particularly by engaging thoughtfully in matters of public concern.


Our Mission

The mission of the AUCA Center for Civic Engagement is threefold:

  1. Enhance the welfare of the local, national, and international communities in which AUCA, its students, its faculty, and its staff are situated;
  2. Instill in students, faculty, and staff an ethic of civic engagement and social responsibility;
  3. Enhance the capacity of AUCA students, faculty, and staff to be positive members of and leaders in their local, national, and international communities, particularly by engaging thoughtfully in matters of public concern.


Our Methods

To achieve this mission, we support the integration of experiential and community-based learning methods across AUCA’s academic departments; facilitate students and faculty in designing and implementing civic engagement projects and related research; provide workshops and trainings on key civic engagement concepts and skills; build and manage long-term partnerships with civil society representatives, government partners, private companies, and international actors interested in partnering for the public good; and leverage AUCA’s academic excellence and liberal arts approach to engage in matters of public concern.

CCE programming includes a variety of civic engagement opportunities for students in such highly successful programs as SIDP (Student Initiative Development Program), ACEP (Afghan Civic Engagement Program), “Eco-park” Elm Grove rehabilitation project, “Youth in Action” promotion with the National Democratic Institute partnership, and so on. Open lectures, online and face-to-face events are regularly organized by CCE as part of the knowledge-sharing agenda of AUCA.


Our Team

Chyngyz Shamshiev

AUCA Vice-President / Chief Operating Officer

Director, AUCA CCE

Nurzhamal Karamoldoeva

Executive Director at Center for Civic Engagement



Aliia Iusupova

Student Initiative Development Program Coordinator


Zarlasht Sarmast

Global Fellows Program Coordinator


Margarita Lazutkina

 "Green AUCA" Program Coordinator


Mira Dzhakshylykova

Sustainability Coordinator





Борбордук Азиядагы Америка университети
Аалы Токомбаев көчөсү 7/6
Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы 720060

Тел.: +996 (312) 915000 + ички.
Факс: +996 (312) 915 028