Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
The GIZ regional project “Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change in High Mountainous Regions of Central Asia”
November 2019. Kyrgystan
The review’s authors:
Dmitry Poletayev (chapters about the Russian Federation and Turkmenistan)
Leyla Delovarova (chapter about Kazakhstan)
Tatiana Zlobina (chapter about Kyrgyzstan)
Saodat Olimova (chapter about Tajikistan)
Lyudmila Maksakova (chapter about Uzbekistan)
2023 (in English)
The review’s authors:
Dmitry Poletayev (chapters about the Russian Federation and Turkmenistan)
Leyla Delovarova (chapter about Kazakhstan)
Tatiana Zlobina (chapter about Kyrgyzstan)
Saodat Olimova (chapter about Tajikistan)
Lyudmila Maksakova (chapter about Uzbekistan)
2021 (in English)
-Sergey Ryazantsev - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Center of Social Demography and Economic Sociology at the Institute of Socio-Political Research RAS, Professor of the Department of Applied International Analysis at Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Moscow, August 2016 (In English)
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- Susan Thieme
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