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Kadyrbek Sultakeev, Ph.D.

Ph.D., Assistant Professor

Business Administration Program

School of Entrepreneurship and Business Administration


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Dr. Kadyrbek Sultakeev is an Assistant Professor at the School of Entrepreneurship and Business Administration of the American University of Central Asia. He is enrolled in a Ph.D. program in Agricultural Economics at the Institute of Agricultural Policy and Market Research (Germany). He holds a Ph.D. in Public Finance/Economics (2016) and a Master’s in Finance/Economics (2012) from the Institute of Social Sciences at the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University (Kyrgyzstan). He earned a Bachelor's in Financial Information Technology from Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz State National University (2006).

Dr. Sultakeev joined AUCA in 2022. He had a year of research experience in the Institute of Development and Agricultural Economics at the University of Hannover, funded by a DAAD Research Grant. He was selected through a competitive process to conduct research with scientists at IFPRI’s headquarters in Washington, DC., and carried out his short-term study there. He is a subject matter expert in the book “Common Sense Economics” by James D. Gwartney. He is the Head of a research team for one of Winrock’s projects called “Climate Change Induced Migration in Central Asia.” 

Dr. Sultakeev successfully implemented the Faculty Research Grant project “Household Responses to Harsh Winter Shocks,” funded by AUCA (2024), the USAID-Winrock International Project “Climate Change Induced Migration in Central Asia Research Study under Safe Migration” (2023-2024), the Faculty Research Grant “Weather shocks, Livestock and Household Welfare,” funded by AUCA (2023), ​​the “Migration and remittances in Kyrgyzstan: impact on poverty, household expenditure and youth and women employment” Partnership for Economic Policy Project, IDRC, DFID (2014-2015), and the “Microfinance Practice and Interest Rate in Kyrgyzstan” conducted by National Council for Sustainable Development of Kyrgyzstan and Manas University (2013). 

  • Research Work Award, IFPRI Headquarters (Washington), 2020.
  • Research Scholarship Award for conducting PhD, SUSADICA Project, Volkswagen Foundation, Giessen University, Germany, 2019-2023.
  • DAAD Research Grants for Doctoral Candidates and Young Academics and Scientists, 2018-2019, Hannover University, Germany.
  • Prof. Dr. Mükerrem HİÇ Paper Award (500$), 1st Prize winner at International Conference on Eurasian Economies, Kaposvar-Hungary, 2016.
  • 1st Prize winner in PEP Best Practice Awards (5000 CAD). Paper title: “Remittances Impact on Youth Labour Supply, 2015.
  • Accredited as a credit specialist from the International Project Consult (IPC) GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany on behalf of the Micro and Small Enterprise Finance Facility in the Kyrgyz Republic of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
  • Agricultural Economics and Climate Change
  • Behavioral Economics
  • Data Analytics
  • Development Economics
  • Financial Management
  • Labor Economics
  • Research Methods
  • Roland-Holst, D., K. Karymshakov, B. Sulaymanova, and K. Sultakeev. 2022. ICT, Online Search Behavior, and Remittances: Evidence from the Kyrgyz Republic. ADBI Working Paper 1348. Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute. Available:
  • Sultakeev K., Karymshakov K., and Sulaymanova B. (2018). “The Impact of Microfinance on Entrepreneurship in Kyrgyzstan, Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 2018, 26(2), 24–40,
  • Karymshakov, K., Abdieva, R., Sulaimanova, B. and Sultakeev, K. (2016). Remittances Impact on Youth Labour Supply: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan. [online] PMMA Working Paper No. 12594. Available at:
  • Sultakeev K., Aseinov D. and Bayrak M. (2017). Effect of efficiency on interest rate in microfinance systems of some transition economies. MANAS Journal of Social Studies, Vol. 6 (3), p. 99-113,
  • Sultakeev K, and Metin B., (2018). Mikro finans uygulamasinin yoksulluk üzerindeki etkisi: Kirgizistan örneği (The impact of micro finance on poverty: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan), MANAS Journal of Social Studies, 2018, Vol.: 7, No: 1, ISSN: 1624-7215, 255-26,
  • Sultakeev, K (2016). The Impact of Political Business Cycle on the Budget Deficit of the Kyrgyzstan. Journal of Reforma, 2016, 70(2), p. 15-24, УДК: 338.12.015
  • Turusbek Asanov and Sultakeev, Kadyrbek (2016). “Факторы, определяющие рост микрокредитного сектора в Кыргызстане (Determinants of growth of microcredit sector in Kyrgyzstan”). Journal of Reforma, 2016, 69(1), p. 75-79, УДК: 336. 781
  • Kendirli S., G. Tutkabaeva, G. Yamaltdinova and K. Sultakeev (2012). Microcredits in accordance with globalization and case study in Kyrgyzstan. Journal of Commerce and Tourism Education Faculty, Vol. 1, p.89-105, Turkey.

Publications in Progress:

  • Sultakeev Kadyrbek & Petrick Martin (2024). Harsh winter shocks and livestock sales: Consumption smoothing and poverty trap in Kyrgyzstan, Agricultural Economics (Q1 Journal) (under review)
  • Sultakeev Kadyrbek (2024). Multiple Shocks and Livestock Farmers Response to Climate Change, World Development Perspectives (in progress).
  • Sultakeev Kadyrbek & Petrick Martin (2024).The role of livestock in reducing poverty: Evidence from a panel data in Kyrgyzstan.
  • Sultakeev Kadyrbek & Ismailbekova Aksana (2024). The function of livestock as wealth in Kyrgyzstan: anthropological and economic analysis, Central Asian Survey Journal.
  • Sultakeev Kadyrbek, Abdraeva Begimai, Ishkinina Salia (204). Environmental shocks, livestock and household welfare in Kyrgyzstan, Journal of Eurasian Studies.
  • Jelnov Pavel, Sultakeev Kadyrbek (2024). Labor Supply and Its Relationship to Clock: Evidence from Panel Data for Kyrgyzstan (work is ongoing and will be submitted to the Review of Economics and Statistics Journal).
  • Sultakeev Kadyrbek &Susan Steiner, (2024). Status seeking and herding behavior: Evidence from social events in Kyrgyzstan (in progress and intend to submit in Q1 peer reviewed international journal).
  • Thanh Nguyen, Sultakeev Kadyrbek, Karymshakov Kamalbek, Sulaymanova Burulcha (2023). Migration impact on left-behind women’s labour participation and time-use (in progress and intend to submit in Q1 peer reviewed international journal).
  • Financial Management
  • Research Methods
  • Thesis I
  • Thesis II

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