Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: April 16 - 29
Nazarbayev signed amendments on employment and migration issues In Russian: https://tengrinews.kz/kazakhstan_news/nazarbaev-podpisal-popravki-voprosam-zanyatosti-migratsii-342188.
Moldova and Kazakhstan strengthen cooperation on combating illegal migration and crime
1600 patients with tuberculosis identified among labor migrants in Kazakhstan in 3 years In Russian: http://www.inform.kz/en/1600-bol-nyh-tuberkulezom-trudovyh-migrantov-za-3-goda-vyyavleno-v-kazahstane_a322134.
Citizens of China and Turkey move to Kazakhstan for permanent residence - Kasymov In Russian: https://tengrinews.kz/kazakhstan_news/grajdane-kitaya-turtsii-pereezjayut-kazahstan-pmj-kasyimov-342165.
Detention Centers of illegal foreigners plan to build in Kazakhstan In Russian: https://tengrinews.kz/crime/tsentryi-soderjaniya-nelegalov-inostrantsev-planiruyut-343029.
Migrants from Kyrgyzstan die in construction in Russia In Russian: here.
Executive Director of International Public Foundation "Initiative of Roza Otunbayeva" Dogdurkul Kendirbayeva attended round table on "Migration and Youth in Central Asia: Using Opportunities for Development"
IOM in Kyrgyzstan holds a camp for migrants, on teaching to protect their rights and interests
Migrants transferred $ 307.6 million to Kyrgyzstan in two months In Russian: here.
Internal Migrants: Head of Osh Public Service Centre, U.Osmonaliev, noted the need for cooperation on registration of internal migrants
More and more citizens of Kyrgyzstan, who committed crimes at home country hiding in Russia In Russian: here.
Kyrgyz embassy asks Kyrgyzstanis to behave civilly in Russia In Russian: https://regnum.ru/news/society/2408692.htm.
Tajikistan offered Russia to extend stay of Tajik citizens in Russia without registration
Tajik migrants left without a "Leader" in Russia In Russian: http://www.stanradar.com/news/full/29266-tadzhikskie-migranty-ostalis-bez-lidera-v-rossii.htm.
$ 600 million more: labor migrants transferred more than $ 2.5 billion to Tajikistan.
109 thousand citizens of Tajikistan left for labor migration in first quarter - officially
Uzbekistan and Russia simplified the granting of patent for migrants In Russian: https://ru.sputniknews-uz.com/migration/20180426/8054242/uzbekistan-rossiya-patent.html.
Alimuhammedov: Uzbekistan has developed a complex for the adaptation of migrants In Russian: https://ru.sputniknews-uz.com/radio/20180425/8040654/alimuhammedov-bezopasnost-igranta.html.
State Duma ordered a study on migration and acquisition of Russian citizenship In English: https://ria.ru/society/20180419/1519029410.htm.
Migration center of Moscow in April launched a new website for foreign citizens and employers In Russian: https://mc.mos.ru/about/piece-of-news/26.
CSTO countries may agree on fighting illegal migration in autumn In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/news/strany-odkb-osen-iu-mogut-dogovorit-sia-o-bor-be-s-nelegal-noi-migratciei.
Heads of migration departments of CIS countries to discuss adaptation issues of migrants in the host country
Study: How Extremists Recruit Labor Migrants from Central Asia In Russian: https://kloop.kg/blog/2018/04/29/issledovanie-kak-ekstremisty-verbuyut-trudovyh-migrantov-iz-tsentralnoj-azii.
Data on illegal migration in Astana called "alarming" In Russian: https://eng.azattyq.org/a/29169803.htm.
Young people of Kyrgyzstan earn abroad In Russian: https://eng.azattyk.org/a/kyrgyzstan_job_fair_youth/29176078.htm.
Money is nothing, people are everything. Experts - on the impact of anti-Russian sanctions on labor migration
Humanitarian: What does detention of vulnerable migrants lead to? In Russian: https://www.icrc.org/en/document/gumanitariu.
Labor migrants of the USSR. What were they like? In Russian: http://www.news.tj/en/news/tajikistan/society/20180425/migranti-sssr-kakimi-oni-bil.
Unemployment in Kazakhstan: grenades of the wrong system? In Russian: https://www.ritmeurasia.org/news--2018-04-17--bezrabotica-v-kazahstane-granaty-ne-toj-sistemy-3599.
Why do law enforcement bodies rarely "make friends" with labor migrants?
Voluntary Health Assessments Promote Safe Migration in Central Asia In English: https://www.iom.int/news/voluntary-health-assessments-promote-safe-migration-central-asi.
Perspectives | Radicalization among Central Asia’s migrants: Views from the ground In English: https://eurasianet.org/s/perspectives-radicalization-among-central-asias-migrants-views-from-the-groun.
Instinct of the cuckoo, or why labor migrants abandon healthy children In Russian: https://ru.sputniknews-uz.com/migration/20180423/8025139/instikt-kukushki-migranti-deti.html.