Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: March 31 – April 20, 2012
Employment program to support up to 200 thousand Kazakhstanis in 2012 In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0505/panorm01.php#15.
Kazakh Diaspora Leader is not allowed to leave Turkmenistan In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:944361/ or here.
Minimum cost of living in March 2012 estimated at $ 109 In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:931851/ or here.
Poverty line in Kazakhstan for the 2nd quarter 2012 estimated $47 In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:936721/ or here.
Southern Kazakhstan oblast’s police free pregnant woman from sexual slavery In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:945861/ or here. |
Significant cut in remittances anticipated for Kyrgyzstan in 2012 In Russian: http://migrocenter.org/news/1334560930/.
Cross-charged pension system for labor migrants to be developed by the year end In Russian: http://migrocenter.org/news/1333523075/.
Social Development Ministry develops provision on repatriation of children abandoned by parents abroad In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:946261/ or here.
Parliament votes on bill regulating fine for registration rules violation by foreigners in KR In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:934681/ or here.
Kyrgyzstan re-appeals to RF to review simplified registration procedures and work permit, - R.Kazakbaev In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:935841/ or here.
MPs express concern over migrants’ rights abroad In Russian: http://migrocenter.org/news/1334226363/.
Akhmatbek Keldibekov: “No one is concerned with labor migrants’ problems” In Russian: http://migrocenter.org/news/1334302571/.
Moscow welcomes Kyrgyz migrants, Lavrov says In English: http://www.universalnewswires.com/centralasia/viewstory.aspx?id=11745.
Stats Secretary of Labor Ministry is dismissed from his post In Russian: http://migrocenter.org/news/1334146035/.
Russia’s MFA Head S.Lavrov tells KRSU students on illegal migration problems In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:936181/ or here.
KR Embassy in Russia informs about 24 minor children in Moscow and Moscow oblast abandoned by Kyrgyz women In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:946241/ or here.
Due to Consular Office of KR in RF fault Kyrgyz citizens get serious problems in the border In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/10/38508/64.py.
Kyrgyz citizens demand punishment for compatriots who sent them to Russia illegally In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3955&Itemid=35.
Cooperation agreement signed between Association “Zamandash” and Public Foundation “Kyrgyz Bulagy” In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/32/38484/114.py.
Ambassador of KR in Tajikistan holds meeting with Kyrgyz Diaspora in Dushanbe In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:948141/ or here.
Some students from Kyrgyzstan in Turkey study for 10 years to work, General Consular of KR in Istanbul In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/10/38479/726.py.
Ethnic Kyrgyz returning for permanent stay in Kyrgyzstan exempted from state taxation in receiving passports In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/10/38527/365.py.
Head of Primorye Diaspora: Kyrgyz migrants do not have Russian language problems In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/33/38543/744.py.
How to get own child from a hospital? In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3885&Itemid=35.
Students from Kyrgyzstan in Moscow request KR Embassy in RF to help in organizing intellectual games In Russian: http://migrocenter.org/news/1334733993/.
Cup of Association “Zamandash” to be contested in Moscow In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/2/38538/314.py.
Feature film “Ayat - 2” screened in Russian cities In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/34/38458/372.py.
Kyrgyz poetry evening held in St. Petersburg’s Friendship House In Russian: http://migrocenter.org/news/1334656606/. |
Alternative report presented to UN Committee on labor migrants’ rights in Dushanbe In Russian: http://news.tj/ru/news/v-dushanbe-prezentovali-alternativnyi-doklad-v-komitet-oon-po-pravam-trudovykh-migrantov.
Remittances sent from Russia in 2011 makes 50% of Tajikistan’s GDP In Russian: here.
Russian Migration service to assist in sending bodies of Tajik migrants dies in St.Petersburg In Russian: here.
Russian FMS prepares “Gastarbeiter candidates” in Dushanbe In Russian: here.
Number of problems of Tajik migrants solved in RF In Russian: here.
Income and savings increased by 40% in Tajikistan In Russian: here.
More than half million Tajiks go to Russia yearly In Russian: http://www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1521756.html.
Kulyab labor migrants trained in HIV/AIDS safety measures before going to Moscow In Russian: here.
S. Devonaev to meet national diaspora representatives living in Tajikistan In Russian: here.
Tajik citizens invited to Russia for studies In Russian: here.
Migration flows directed to the right stream In Russian: here.
Remittances sent by Tajik “breadwinners” to Tajikistan exceeds annual budget In Russian: here.
Forces united in south of Tajikistan on prevention of HIV/AIDS In Russian: here.
Departure of Tajikistanis for labor migration negatively effects their children’s psychological state In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0505/panorm01.php#25.
Nearly 760 women with HIV registered in Tajikistan In Russian: here.
Issues of illegitimate children of labor migrants discussed in Tajikistan In Russian: http://www.regnum.ru/news/economy/1521354.html.
Head of Russian FMS names mass deportation of Tajik migrants and pilots’ case of Rolkan company as a coincidence In Russian: here.
Nowhere to go but Russia for Tajik migrants In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0505/panorm01.php#20.
RF bans fruits and vegetables in hand baggage from three CIS countries In Russian: here. |
Additional measures on forced child labor elimination approved in Uzbekistan In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:934481/ or here.
One of the reasons of fire in Moscow market where 17 Uzbek citizens died may be arson In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:945661/ or here. |
RF Ministry of Health and Social Development increases migration quota in 2012 In Russian: http://www.migrant.ru/news.php?id=1300.
FMS simplify migration procedures for foreign students In Russian: http://www.migrant.ru/news.php?id=1302.
RF and USA – leaders on number of arriving migrants In Russian: http://politikus.ru/policy/1011-rf-i-ssha-lidery-po-kolichistvu-pribyvayuschih-migrantov.html.
Shoigu: migrants problems should be solved at federal level In Russian: here.
Notification of Russia’s FMS on execution of duties by employers on paying off salaries for the 1 quarter of 2012 In Russian: http://www.brp-group.com/node/279.
Migrants’ medical insurance should be paid by their employer In Russian: http://migrocenter.org/news/1334302694/.
Research: migrants’ children are more intelligent and healthy than Russians In Russian: http://migrocenter.org/news/1333355955/.
Head of St. Petersburg and Lenin oblast FMS: Labor migration concept to be released in RF In Russian: http://www.newspb.ru/allnews/1522291/.
Russia to receive only educated migrants In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/10/38548/979.py.
It is more complicated to get Russian citizenship In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/33/38447/423.py.
Young migrant course In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3965&Itemid=35.
Moscow bailiff officers deported more than 500 illegal migrants from Russia since the beginning of the year In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3802&Itemid=35.
Official: What is needed to avoid problems with migrants is to register them before entering RF borders In Russian: http://www.newspb.ru/allnews/1522335/.
Moscow refuses inviting hundreds of thousand migrants and will develop industry In Russian: http://www.migrant.ru/news.php?id=1301.
First results of activities in 2012 presented in Omsk FMS In Russian: http://ufms.omsk.ru/www/ufms.nsf/0/B5F59CA2B2B26D19C62579E5001DEAE5.
Debates on migrants’ rights to be held in Petersburg school In Russian: http://www.baltinfo.ru/2012/04/20/Debaty-o-pravakh-migrantov-proidut-v-peterburgskoi-shkole-273480.
Juridical guide for migrants to be published in St.Petersburg In Russian: http://www.baltinfo.ru/2012/04/09/Dlya-migrantov-v-Peterburge-vypustyat-yuridicheskii-spravochnik-270981.
Migrants registered at Russian language courses In Russian: http://www.baltinfo.ru/2012/04/01/Migrantov-zapisali-na-kursy-russkogo-yazyka-dlya-inofonov-269312.
Migrants fingerprints to be taken In Russian: http://kurier-media.ru/news/27587/ya/.
Petersburg citizens get tougher over migrants In Russian: http://www.neva24.ru/a/2012/04/18/Peterburzhci_vse_menshe_zha/.
Novosibirsk social activists to search for illegal Gastarbeiter In Russian: http://novosibirsk.rfn.ru/rnews.html?id=184903&cid=7.
Mechanism to regulate migration inflow to be developed in Sverdlovsk In Russian: http://migrocenter.org/news/1333960204/.
Dishonest employers fined for violation migration legislation In Russian: http://ufms.omsk.ru/www/ufms.nsf/0/344ECE7F72572415C62579DF0018B4C6.
Head of migrants’ detention center dismissed from his post
Illegal migration channel revealed in Voronej In Russian: here.
Elena Tyuryukanova passes away In Russian: http://caucasia.at.ua/news/ushla_iz_zhizni_elena_tjurjukanova/2012-04-10-1319. |
Common labor market to be created in CIS In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:931761/ or here.
Central Asian laborers sending home more remittances in 2011 In English: http://www.universalnewswires.com/centralasia/viewstory.aspx?id=11790.
“We care!” With this slogan we went to streets In Russian: http://caucasia.at.ua/news/vspominaja_bolotnuju/2012-04-02-1317.
Illegal migration does not pose danger for CIS countries security In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0505/panorm01.php#22.
“Labor migrants movement” establishes cooperation with Moscow Education Department In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4127&Itemid=1.
Turkmen labor migrants face difficulties in Russia In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3988&Itemid=35.
Play about life of migrants in Moscow rehearsed in “Teatr.doc” In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/34/38513/13.py. |
“Women-migrants from CIS in Russia”, ed. E.V.Tyuryukanova, M., MAKS Press, 2011, 184pgs In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0505/biblio02.php.
“Remittances and Children’s Capabilities: New Evidence from Kyrgyzstan, 2005-2008”, by Antje Kroeger and Kathryn Anderson, Discussion Paper No. 6293, January 2012 In English: here. |
IOM-Kyrgyzstan creates expert roster on migration. Please fill up attached application form
Labor Migration Academy “Facilitating Good Governance, Enhancing Protection and Promoting Development”, 2-13 July, 2012, Turin, Italy In English: here. |