Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: February 06 - 19, 2015
Migrant workers instead of Russia going to Kazakhstan In Russian: http://tengrinews.kz/russia/trudovyie-migrantyi-vmesto-rossii-edut-v-kazahstan-269930/.
Kazakhstan to strengthen control because of the release of migrants from Russia In Russian: http://tengrinews.kz/kazakhstan_news/kazahstan-usilit-kontrol-v-svyazi-s-vyisvobojdeniem-migrantov-iz-rossii-269878/.
Majilis presented a bill on migration and employment
Senate of Kazakhstan ratifies agreement with Uzbekistan on the fight against illegal migration In Russian: http://www.kazpravda.kz/news/view/protivodeistvie-nelegalnoi-migratsii-mezhdu-kazahstanom-i-uzbekistanom-odobrili-.
EAEC had no impact on the labor market in Kazakhstan In Russian: http://www.kazpravda.kz/news/view/okolo-8-tis-rabotnikov-priehalo-iz-rossii-v-kazahstan.
In Kazakhstan, the third of attracting labor force - the citizens of China In Russian: http://bnews.kz/ru/news/post/253220/.
Otorbaev and Medvedev discussed the situation of migrants In Russian: here.
Head of the Ministry of Labor A.Azyrankulov discussed with the Ambassador of Qatar labor migration In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/society/full/89888.
NSC expects that this year remittances to be reduced In Russian: here.
Migration Service of Russia provided the GDS data on 2 million Kyrgyz migrants to make a single state register of population In Russian: here.
Abulgaziev: The Social Fund system records about 5 million people In Russian: here.
A parliamentary committee approved the agreement with Russia and Kazakhstan on the order of stay of Kyrgyz citizens in these countries In Russian: here.
Parliament offer to transfer the issues of foreign migration to Ministry of Foreign Affairs In Russian: http://www.for.kg/news-309989-ru.html.
Government is ready to collect data on migrants, left children in the Kyrgyz Republic In Russian: here.
Government is not concerned with the problems of labor migrants In Russian: here.
Large influx of foreigners intending to receive Kyrgyz citizenship bothered parliament In Russian: here.
Internal migration in Kyrgyzstan leads to an increase in maternal mortality In Russian: here.
Migrants from Kyrgyzstan have overwhelming superiority in front of colleagues from the CIS In Russian: here.
After joining the EAEC labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan may work in Russia without obtaining patents In Russian: here.
Kyrgyz citizens may obtain a certificate of proficiency in Russian, without leaving the country In Russian: here.
Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs proposes to exclude the provision on the need to obtain a certificate of passport loss for Kyrgyz migrants In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/42/41223/625.py.
Migration Center of Moscow accuses officers of Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in charge of unauthorized shooting object In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/42/41224/980.py.
Remittances from Russia and Kazakhstan decreased In Russian: here.
Kanybek Imanaliev: More than 100 thousand Kyrgyz citizens in a difficult situation because of changes in the migration policy of Russia In Russian: here.
Tajik authorities to monitor the process of migrants Russian language knowledge tests In Russian: http://news.tj/ru/news/vlasti-tadzhikistana-sledyat-za-protsessom-sdachi-migrantami-testov-na-znanie-russkogo-yazyka.
Negative effects of labor migration for family to discuss in Khujand In Russian: here.
Explanatory work among migrant workers In Russian: here.
EBRD: The volume of remittances from Russia to Tajikistan in 2014 little declined
More than 45 thousand Tajiks left the country in search of decent work in January In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/tolko-v-yanvare-svyshe-45-tys-tadzhikistantsev-pokinuli-stranu-v-poiskakh-dostoinoi-raboty.
Migrant workers appealed to the Ambassador of Tajikistan in the Russian Federation with a request for assistance In Russian: http://www.toptj.com/News/2015/02/12/trudovye-migranty-obratilis-k-poslu-rt-v-rf-s-prosboy-o-pomoshi.
Problems of labor migration from Tajikistan to discuss in Dushanbe In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/v-dushanbe-obsudyat-problemy-trudovoi-migratsii-iz-tadzhikistana.
Russia invites to work the citizens of Tajikistan In Russian: http://www.toptj.com/News/2015/02/16/rossiya-priglashaet-na-rabotu-grazhdan-tadzhikistana.
Number of Tajik citizens in Russia decreased to 985 thousand In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/chislennost-tadzhikskikh-grazhdan-v-rossii-sokratilas-do-985-tys.
Only in January Russia denied entry to its territory 239 citizens of Tajikistan In Russian:
Uzbek media: Increase in crime in Tashkent by the return of migrant workers In Russian: http://www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1897305.html.
Highly qualified professionals may not take the exam on the Russian language and Russian history In Russian: here.
New rules to inform about hiring migrants In Russian: http://www.rg.ru/2015/01/27/migr-site.html.
Labor office for migrants planned for this year in Moscow In Russian: https://news.mail.ru/economics/21049377/.
FMS counted in Russia about 2.5 million labor migrants In Russian: https://news.mail.ru/politics/20988886/.
Work with labor migrants to adjust in Moscow In Russian: here.
Moscow wants to change the law in the insurance for migrants In Russian: here.
Russia to extend patents for labor migrants In Russian: here.
Migrants for several days waiting for the grant of patents in the Moscow migration center In Russian: here.
After joining the EAEC labor rights of citizens of Kyrgyzstan and Russia can be equated - MFA In Russian: here.
FMS: the migrants caused injury to avoid deportation from Russia In Russian: http://ria.ru/incidents/20150216/1048036161.html.
Ambassador in Bishkek denied a massive outflow of migrants from Russia In Russian: http://mir24.tv/news/society/12073213.
Number of migrants visitors to Russia decreased by 8% In Russian: http://top.rbc.ru/business/16/02/2015/54e1b7379a794738fda76c5b.
Federal Migration Service: illegal immigrants for six months get half In Russian: http://ria.ru/society/20150218/1048430777.html.
CSTO identified more than 158 thousand irregularities in the field of migration in 2014 In Russian: http://ru.sputnik.kg/migration/20150209/1014289756.html.
Pensioners and workers in the labor markets of the CIS countries In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2015/0629/barom06.php.
International News
Immigration reform cancel in the US caused protests In Russian: https://news.mail.ru/video/253151/.
What is known about the outflow of migrants from Russia In Russian: http://paperpaper.ru/migration/.
How can our guest workers survive? In Russian: http://members.vb.kg/2015/02/11/panorama/10_print.html.
Depreciation of the ruble had a negative impact on everyone, including migrants from Kyrgyzstan - General Consul of Russia in Osh A.Kudryashov In Russian: http://www.turmush.kg/ru/news:112005.
Whether the government is ready to settle in migrants In Russian: http://members.vb.kg/2015/02/11/panorama/7.html.
Migrant women worry about abandoned children in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/content/article/26839588.html.
How the problems of migrant workers is becoming a topic of political speculation and blackmail In Russian: http://materik.ru/rubric/detail.php?ID=19464.
Nikita Mendkovich. Russian crisis and migrant workers from Central Asia In Russian: http://www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1893385.html.
RBC study: how foreigners leave from Russia In Russian: http://top.rbc.ru/society/04/02/2015/54d0c05e9a7947df123f23e1.
More and more migrants become victims of scams In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/content/article/26832914.html.
"Came in large numbers" leaving: who will now work in Russia? In Russian: http://www.e-xecutive.ru/knowledge/announcement/1954509/index.php?PAGE_NAME=read&FID=12&TID=18134.
Russia. Labor agreement solves the problems of migrants? In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/content/article/26853904.html.
Hard-working guests. Be afraid of migrant workers? In Russian: http://www.caravan.kz/article/101987.
Chinese migration to Kazakhstan In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2015/0629/tema07.php.
Chinese migration to Kazakhstan In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2015/0629/tema08.php.
Migration and labor market In Russian: http://fom.ru/Rabota-i-dom/11946.
Ruslan Izimov: Map of Chinese migrant - a special place in Kazakhstan In Russian: http://www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1892411.html.
Tajik Migrants Tricked by Dishonest Recruiters In English: https://iwpr.net/global-voices/tajik-migrants-tricked-dishonest-recruiters.
Labor force movement In Russian: http://argumenti.ru/gorodm/n474/388668.
Only a few got patent for migrants in regions of the Russian In Russian: http://www.fergananews.com/news/23076.
Came in large numbers here In Russian: http://mk.tula.ru/articles/a/46535/.
In our country the flow of migrant workers increased In Russian: http://news.gazeta.kz/news/v-nashu-stranu-uvelichilsya-potok-gastarbajjterov-newsID410969.html.
Andrei Krasnov: In our center migrants to receive the necessary assistance In Russian: here.
Muscovites to take away shovel from migrant workers In Russian: http://www.utro.ru/articles/2015/02/16/1234106.shtml.
Black marks In Russian: http://members.vb.kg/2015/02/17/gastar/1.html.
Millions of migrants threaten conversion to illegals. Whose fault? In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/42/41243/100.py.
Kulukeeva: The situation in migrant centers heavy In Russian: here.
Migrants. Prison instead of work In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/content/article/26851571.html.
Kubanichbek Kozhoev: Kyrgyz business in Russia is ready to help homeland In Russian: here.
Kazakhstan toughens laws, fearing an influx of migrants In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/content/trudovye-migranty-kazakhstan-ishod-is-rossii/26851575.html.
Migrant workers and expectations of change in May In Russian: http://www.for.kg/news-310525-ru.html.
Who can and must help the citizens of Kyrgyzstan, workers in Russia?
Tajikistan: what prevents Dushanbe to form effective labor market? In Russian: here.
Migrant workers from Russia do not go en masse to Kazakhstan In Russian: http://tengrinews.kz/kazakhstan_news/trudovyie-migrantyi-iz-rf-ne-edut-massovo-v-kazahstan-270023/.
Migration in the "encore" In Russian: https://news.mail.ru/economics/21095128/.
What's new in immigration legislation? In Russian: http://enw-fond.ru/novosti/6297-migraciya-voprosy-i-otvety.html.
How many migrants needs Russia In Russian: http://ria.ru/radio/20150218/1048384163.html.
New Issue of “Your Right. Migration” № 4, February 2015 In Russian: here.
New Issue of “Compatriots” № 2, February 2015 In Russian: http://migratsia.ru/blog/vyshel_v_svet_zhurnal_zemljaki_1_janvar_2015_goda/2015-01-30-202.
Unified report on migration in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2014.
Migration Policy Practice "Special issue: Migration Outlook for 2015" (Vol. IV, Number 5, December 2014–January 2015) In English: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=50&products_id=1452.
International Migration, Vol. 53(1) 2015 In English: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=6&products_id=1449.
Center for Employment of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic in Osh In Russian: http://iom.kg/?p=1448.
IOM seeks for an expert-trainer In English: http://iom.kg/en/?p=820.
Testing center for migrants opened in KRSU In Russian: http://advocacy.kg/index.php/2366-17-fevralya-2015-tsentr-testirovaniya-dlya-migrantov-otkryt-v-krsu.