Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: November 14 – 27, 2014
Kazakhstan ratifies agreement with Russia on the facilitation of stay
Kazakhstan in the list of 30 countries with the highest number of migrants In Russian: http://mk-kz.kz/articles/2014/11/17/narodnoe-dvizhenie.html.
During the crisis more than 120 thousand jobs was created in Kazakhstan In Russian: http://www.kazpravda.kz/news/view/30343.
More than 2.5 thousand foreigners violated immigration legislation in NKR In Russian: http://www.kazpravda.kz/news/view/30319.
Refugee protection and international migration in Central Asia issue discussing in Kazakhstan In Russian: http://www.inform.kz/rus/article/2719016.
Capital maslikhat held a public hearing on migration in Astana
Migration police offering to intorduce paid registration for foreigners on the eve of EXPO-2017 In Russian: http://www.astanatv.kz/news/show/id/30021.html.
Kazakhstan citizenship to get 638 people from the countries of CIS and foreign countries - Minister of Labor In Russian: http://www.inform.kz/rus/article/2719193.
Labor immigrants paid to the budget of Astana over 22 million tenge. In Russian: http://www.inform.kz/rus/article/2721095.
Citizens of Kyrgyzstan made fake migration cards in Shymkent In Russian: http://tengrinews.kz/events/v-shyimkente-poddelyivali-migratsionnyie-kartochki-grajdane-kyirgyizstana-265904/.
Heads of Kyrgyzstan and China special services discussed issues of illegal migration In Russian: http://bpost.kg/news/rukovoditeli-specsluzhb-kyrgyzstana-i-kitaya-obsudili-voprosy-nelegalnoy-migracii.
Government representatives of 5 countries at a meeting in Bishkek to discuss issues of migration In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/42/40799/742.py.
NISI signed a cooperation agreement with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) In Russian: http://nisi.kg/ru-events-831.
Demand of effective migration policy from government In Russian: here.
ILO intends to address the issues of workers together with Federation of Trade Unions of Kyrgyzstan In Russian: http://bpost.kg/news/byuro-mezhdunarodnoy-organizacii-truda-namereno-reshat-voprosy-trudyashchihsya-sovmestno-s-fpk.
Government was asked to contribute to the lifting of restrictions on entry to the Russian Federation In Russian: here.
No basic documents on migration policy in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/33/40796/273.py.
Miroslav Niyazov: Remittances - a gold fund of the country In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/miroslav-niyazov-perevody-migrantov-eto-zolotoi-fond-strany.
Agreement on a set of experts from the Kyrgyz Republic with the Sverdlovsk region of the Russian Federation In Russian: here.
Half a million migrants from Kyrgyzstan counted in Russia In Russian: here.
60 percent of Kyrgyz labor migrants have limited access to health services In Russian: here.
About half of patients with tuberculosis of the 1.5 million migrant workers from Kyrgyzstan In Russian: here.
Center of employment abroad to open in Osh In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/42/40797/13.py.
Kyrgyz writer in Moscow completed a trilogy about migrants In Russian: here.
Innovative methods of training public servants on migration and development In English: http://iom.kg/en/?p=783.
SRS has no idea about internal migrants in the elections In Russian: here.
Minister of Social Development met with labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan in Moscow In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/42/40830/28.py.
Social Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic: A high level of labor migration - one of the essential issues of the country's pension system In Russian: http://kabar.kg/rus/society/full/86699.
To expand employment opportunities of Kyrgyz people in Russia In Russian: here.
Migrants from Kyrgyzstan to pay more for patents in Moscow In Russian: here.
Myrzakmatov "handles" migrants by the instructions of Tekebayev? In Russian: here.
Citizens of Kyrgyzstan are jumping off the train for work in Russia
External migration in Kyrgyzstan for three years decreased by 8 times In Russian: here.
About 2,000 migrants from Kyrgyzstan work in South Korea In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/42/40838/446.py.
"KG HOUSE" project implemented in Almaty In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/42/40820/246.py.
Labor Ministry of Tajikistan invites citizens deported from Russia to build Rogun In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/mintruda-tadzhikistana-priglashaet-deportirovannykh-iz-rossii-grazhdan-stroit-rogun.
Labor migration is under control of the RT Government In Russian: here.
Tajikistan banned the sale of tickets to Russia on internal passports In Russian: http://ria.ru/world/20141120/1034220263.html.
Tajik authorities are concerned about the closing access of Russian schools for children of migrant workers
Introduction of new Russian migration rules for Tajik migrants In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/tadzhikskikh-migrantov-znakomyat-s-novymi-migratsionnymi-pravilami-rossii.
Inform Tajik migrants in Russia where they can get RT passport without returning to homeland In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/node/198327.
Participation at a roundtable on "Best practices of public and non-governmental organizations to protect the rights and legitimate interests of foreign citizens"
Number of Tajik citizens in Russia reduced for 100 thousand as compared to the beginning of the year
Migrant worker won the lottery 300,000 TJS In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/trudovoi-migrant-vyigral-v-lotereyu-300-000-somoni.
Tajikistan and the Russian Federation work groups draft new labor migration cooperation agreements
In Tajikistan offers create fund to support migrant workers In Russian: here.
Embassy of the RT in Russia encourages migrants do not worry about getting biometric passports
Tajik Ambassador urges compatriots to comply with Russian legislation In Russian: http://news.tj/ru/news/tadzhikskii-posol-prizyvaet-sootechestvennikov-soblyudat-rossiiskoe-zakonodatelstvo.
Increased external and internal migration in permanent In Russian: here.
About 195 thousand new jobs created in Tajikistan from Jan. 2014 In Russian: here.
Finding reasons of reducing the number of labor migrants in Sughd In Russian: here.
Employment - current issue In Russian: http://www.gov.uz/ru/press/society/27927.
Russia and Uzbekistan to develop agreements on migrant workers In Russian: http://ria.ru/society/20141126/1035235602.html.
It is decided to equalize the tax burden for the Russians and migrants in Moscow In Russian: http://lenta.ru/news/2014/11/20/migrants1/.
Russian government approved a draft agreement on a set of Kyrgyz citizens to work in Russia In Russian: http://itar-tass.com/obschestvo/1584623.
Duma adopted a bill on health insurance for migrants in the II reading In Russian: http://ria.ru/society/20141119/1034153575.html.
"Code of the migrant" discussed in Moscow In Russian: http://www.rg.ru/2014/11/18/kodeks-migranta-site.html.
Laws for the Russians and migrants In Russian: http://www.rg.ru/2014/11/19/migranty.html.
Patent cost as a mechanism for regulating the number of migrant workers In Russian: http://www.migrator.ru/news/?id=598.
FMS: almost 3 million foreigners illegally employed in Russia In Russian: http://itar-tass.com/obschestvo/1585206.
Russia next year to accept 126 thousand migrants In Russian: http://ria.ru/society/20141120/1034234985.html.
Legislation in the field of migration to improve in Russia In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/42/40825/326.py.
State Duma completed the adoption of laws on insurance of migrant workers since 2015 In Russian: http://ria.ru/politics/20141121/1034519276.html.
Russian government approved a quota for foreigners PRP in 2015 In Russian: http://russkg.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5203:-2015-&catid=32:2010-08-29-08-14-07&Itemid=1.
Want to protect labor migrants from scams in Russia In Russian: http://news.gazeta.kz/news/v-rossii-gastarbajjterov-khotyat-zashhitit-ot-aferistov-newsID406477.html.
Labor Ministry to register companies employing foreigners In Russian: http://izvestia.ru/news/579802.
FMS counted in Russia nearly 3 million illegal migrants In Russian: http://news.tj/ru/news/fms-naschitala-v-rossii-pochti-3-mln-nelegalnykh-migrantov.
CIS experts to discuss issues of medical insurance of migrant workers in Minsk In Russian: here.
World Bank began an audit of NGOs dealing with migration issues
Three former Soviet republics among the countries most dependent on remittances In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/42/40804/197.py.
CIS experts to discuss cooperation in the sphere of labor migration In Russian: http://www.avesta.tj/sociaty/29216-eksperty-sng-obsudyat-voprosy-sotrudnichestva-v-sfere-trudovoy-migracii.html.
Migration issues in member countries of TurkPA discussed in Baku In Russian: http://www.inform.kz/rus/article/2719204.
International News
Obama confirmed to take the initiative on immigration In Russian: http://ria.ru/world/20141119/1034195738.html.
Obama ordered to develop recommendations for Immigration Reform In Russian: http://ria.ru/world/20141122/1034561785.html.
Obama removed the threat of deportation of 5 million illegal migrants In Russian: http://ria.ru/world/20141122/1034565483.html.
Samat Toktobolotov: Migrants from Kyrgyzstan must respect the laws of the Russian Federation In Russian: here.
Asian echo of Crimea In Russian: http://lenta.ru/articles/2014/11/19/ca/.
Problems of migrant workers from Uzbekistan on Kazakhstan border In Russian: http://www.ozodlik.org/content/article/26654340.html.
How much money migrants send home from Russia ... In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/42/40794/286.py.
It would be even more difficult to legally work in Russia for guest workers Strike with patent on Migration In Russian: http://www.mk.ru/politics/2014/11/09/gastarbayteram-stanet-eshhe-trudnee-legalno-rabotat-v-rossii.html.
"Rogun" invites to work deported migrants In Russian: http://rus.ozodi.org/content/article/26693053.html.
Migration in the Eurasian space In Russian: http://berlek-nkp.com/analitics/3263-cgi-berlek-edinstvo-migraciya-v-evraziyskom-prostranstve.html.
St. Petersburg is waiting for Tajik agriculture and migrant In Russian: http://news.tj/ru/news/sankt-peterburg-zhdet-tadzhikskuyu-selkhozproduktsiyu-i-migrantov.
Migrants from Uzbekistan in Russia sell their organs - the media In Russian: http://www.stanradar.com/news/full/13798-migranty-iz-uzbekistana-prodajut-v-rossii-svoi-organy-smi.html.
Does Russia Need Migration Code? In Russian: http://mir24.tv/news/society/11622604.
How patents for migrants will differ from quotas? In Russian: http://mir24.tv/news/society/11627688.
Blogger about cynicism towards raped Kyrgyz In Russian: http://asiarussia.ru/blogs/4990/.
Migrants: American Dream, Series 8, Ainura In Russian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYymq3MsXrY.
Alisher Madanbekov: Many migrants do not try to adapt in Russia In Russian: here.
Pension provision of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic after joining the Customs Union In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/42/40839/681.py.
Migrants will pay (where do they go ...) In Russian: http://www.migrant.ru/index.php/news/lenta-novostej/544-migranty-zaplatyat-kuda-zh-oni-denutsya.html.
To legalize migrants through the cashier In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/inregions/moscow/90/economics/20274437/.
Valentina Matviyenko: "Russia today is in second place after the US in the number of migrants"
New Issue of “Your Right. Migration” № 22, November 2014 In Russian: here.
New Issue of “Compatriots” № 11, November 2014 In Russian: here.
VIII Congress on International Migration In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2014/0619/anons.php#2511142.