Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: March 24-30, 2012
Governmental Working Group led by Vice Prime Minister Erlbol Orynbaev in Kostanai oblast In Russian: http://www.enbek.gov.kz/node/252574.
Share of population with income lower than minimum of subsistence reduces in Kazakhstan In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0503/panorm01.php#7.
Unemployment level remains at 5.5% in February in Kazakhstan In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0503/panorm01.php#12. |
JK Committee approves creation of interdepartmental working group on issues of Pamir Kyrgyz in Afghanistan In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:927331/ or here.
Period of registration at Consulate for Kyrgyzstan citizens in other countries extended from 3 to 15 days In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:925651/ or here.
Government plans to employ 20 thousand people In Russian: На русском: http://www.ca-news.org/news:928401/ or here.
First World Forum of Kyrgyz Diasporas Abroad held in New York In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/society/full/30159.
Training Center to teach short-term courses within pilot project opens in lyceum No 91
MPs intend to bar young ladies from going abroad In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/content/kyrgyzstan_human_rights_woman/24530666.html.
New Study Center launched In Russian: http://www.jashtar.kg/index.php/news/252-otkrytie-novogo-uchebnogo-tsentra.
Unemployed youth of Kyrgyzstan to take opportunity of employment in Turkey
State agencies and NGOs discuss reforms in pension system in Bishkek In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:928011/ or here.
Vacancy fair “Isfana – 2012” to be held in Isfana In Russian: http://fergana.akipress.org/news:180661/.
Presentation of Tolyatti Public Organization In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/34/38395/807.py.
Meeting of Kyrgyzstanis in Bremen In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/2/38410/408.py.
“Rainbow” Festival to gather young talents in Tyumen In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/34/38417/839.py.
Samara holds billiard tournament ‘Nooruz-2012’ on ‘Moscow pyramid’ style In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/2/38425/21.py.
Krasnodar: 17 Kyrgyzstan citizens find themselves in difficult situation In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/10/38434/490.py.
How MPs got scared of China Towns In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0503/gazeta021.php. |
UN: Tajik Gastarbeiters’ children suffer of separation from parents In Russian: http://www.vz.ru/news/2012/3/25/570797.html.
Tajik migration service agency, IOM sign memorandum on cooperation In English: http://news.tj/en/news/tajik-migration-service-agency-iom-sign-memorandum-cooperation.
Draft of new general agreement on socio-labor relations reviewed in Dushanbe In Russian: here.
Tajik migration service agency launches newspaper for migrants In English: http://news.tj/en/news/tajik-migration-service-agency-launches-newspaper-migrants.
Labor migrants’ safety protection issues discussed in Dushanbe In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:930681/ or here.
Strategy of social integration of labor migrants in Russia discussed in Dushanbe In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0503/panorm01.php#18.
Majority of unemployed in Tajikistan are women In Russian: here.
Issues of Chinese migrants stay in Tajikistan discussed In Russian: here.
Tajikistan labor migrants’ qualification do not comply with certificates In Russian: http://mirror24.24.kg/bigtiraj/125269-kvalifikaciya-trudovyx-migrantov-iz-tadzhikistana.html.
Tajik Migration Service staff to start learning Chinese In Russian: here.
Chelyabinsk discusses Tajik migrants difficulties In Russian: here.
Tajik diaspora celebrates Nooruz in Russia In Russian: here.
‘Somonien’ awarded with ‘Best National Cuisine’ In Russian: here.
III International Festival ‘Peoples Friendship’ held on March 24 in Moscow (Video) |
Straight to the job from Job Fair In Russian: http://uza.uz/ru/business/18582/.
Constant attention to employment of population In Russian: http://uza.uz/ru/business/18571/.
Mahalla – center of family entrepreneurship In Russian: http://uza.uz/ru/society/18570/.
Labor right well protected In Russian: http://uza.uz/ru/society/18553/. |
New migration policy concept launched in Russia In Russian: http://www.gosrf.ru/news/3252/.
FMS Head: Employable population in Russia may drop without migrants
Federal Drug Control Service favors tough citizenship acquirement rules In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0503/rossia01.php#21.
Expert: Russia has to create conditions to protect migrants’ rights In Russian: http://www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1514164.html.
DFMS: We cannot live without labor migrants In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/6/38408/211.py.
FMS suggests introducing score system to get residence permit In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0503/rossia01.php#23.
Agapitova: We do not know where illegal migrants’ children disappear In Russian: http://www.rosbalt.ru/piter/2012/03/27/962002.html.
680 foreigners live in Russia permanently In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0503/rossia01.php#25.
Insufficient legislation toughens legalization of migrants children in Russia In Russian: here.
According to ‘Strategy 2020’ experts quotation system ineffective In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0503/rossia01.php#27.
In average 40 migrants registered in one address in Russia In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0503/rossia01.php#28.
Migrants suffer tuberculosis 4 times more than Russians In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0503/rossia01.php#30.
… On work licenses for migrants In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0503/gazeta015.php.
Wide-scale legalization of Gastarbeiter In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0503/gazeta015.php.
Children Ombudsman: Almost 8 thousand migrants’ children study in Petersburg schools In Russian: http://www.newspb.ru/allnews/1513966/.
Petersburg authorities provide temporary benefits to migrants with school-age children
Liteinyi region to tell about legal rights to migrants In Russian: http://www.baltinfo.ru/2012/03/25/V-Liteinom-okruge-migrantam-rasskazhut-o-yuridicheskikh-pravakh-267907.
Ural minister suspected in reducing quota for migrants In Russian: http://www.rosbalt.ru/federal/2012/03/28/962631.html.
Kuzbass to open new temporary stay centers for foreigners to be deported In Russian: http://www.sndko.ru/news_event_a/2821.html.
Labor migrant to enjoy right for pension benefits in Sakhalin In Russian: here.
Citizens of former CIS lead migration inflow in Primorye In Russian: here.
Chelyabinsk DFMS invites heads of national and cultural centers to discuss integration issues In Russian: http://www.fms.gov.ru/press/news/news_detail.php?ID=51554.
Friendship House of Buryatiya People in Ulan-Ude hosts first reception of foreigners wishing to get license to work for individuals In Russian: http://www.fms.gov.ru/press/news/news_detail.php?ID=51539.
Yaroslavl DFMS meets representatives of national diasporas at a round table In Russian: http://www.fms.gov.ru/press/news/news_detail.php?ID=51509. |
Parliament Speakers of KR and Kazakhstan discuss speeding up ratification of agreements related to labor migrants In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:926631/ or here.
Kazakhstan Vice Prime Minister of Labor and Social Protection meets with Kyrgyz Deputy Minister of Social Protection In Russian: http://www.enbek.gov.kz/node/252446.
Head of Krasnodar DFMS and Chair of Regional Organization of Compatriots of Uzbekistan “Umid” hold meeting on effective integration assistance of foreigners in Russian society In Russian: http://www.fms.gov.ru/press/news/news_detail.php?ID=51513. |
11.5 million illegal immigrants in US: official In English: http://news.yahoo.com/11-5-million-illegal-immigrants-us-official-234926187.html.
Greece plans detention sites for illegal migrants In English: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501714_162-57404790/greece-plans-detention-sites-for-illegal-migrants/. |
Gastarbeiter to get conceptually expensive In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0503/gazeta014.php.
New migrants admission systems develops in Russia In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0503/gazeta014.php.
History o slopwork by Tajik citizens in Russia In Russian: here.
Food for thought for journalists. Dispute of irreconcilables In Russian: http://caucasia.at.ua/news/poljusa/2012-03-28-1313.
For police serving to ‘protect life, health, rights and freedoms of citizens, migrants are not human beings
Hot topic: Two journalists debate on labor migration In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/6/38423/281.py.
Valentin Bogaterev on causes of Russian ‘antimigration’ policy In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/6/38419/801.py.
Migrant issue In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/6/38407/237.py.
Myths and realities of migrant’s purse In Russian: http://kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3731&Itemid=35.
School becomes the only adaptation instrument for migrants In Russian: http://kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3698&Itemid=35.
“Illegal immigrants’ points” trade drugs and fake documents in Moscow metro In Russian: http://www.baltinfo.ru/2012/03/29/Birzhi-nelegalov-torguyut-narkotikami-i-dokumentami-v-moskovskom-metro-268758.
… on migrants from Chine to Kyrgyzstan In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0503/gazeta021.php. |
News of Labor Migration from Tajikistan. Review of media on CA and RF No 38 In Russian: here.
ILO: “The youth employment crisis: Time for action” In English: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_norm/---relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_175421.pdf. |
VIII Migration Summer School: Social Movements, Systemic Change and Migration In English: http://www.migrationpolicycentre.eu/summer-school/#Venue.
Summer School "Global Migration and Development", Utrecht University In English: http://www.utrechtsummerschool.nl/index.php?type=courses&code=S22. |