Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: September 05 – 18, 2014
Majilisman fears of possible social problems growth due to differential migration of the population in the regions of RK
Labor migration and social security in the EAEC In Russian: http://bnews.kz/ru/news/post/227949.
Majilis ratified the agreement on readmission of migrants In Russian: http://bnews.kz/ru/news/post/228715/.
Majilis ratified an agreement with Switzerland on the return of migrants In Russian: http://www.inform.kz/rus/article/2697536.
Kazakhstan deputies promised to solve the problems of Kyrgyz labor migrants In Russian: http://tengrinews.kz/sng/deputatyi-kazahstana-poobeschali-reshit-problemyi-kyirgyizskih-trudovyih-261671/.
Internal migration in Kazakhstan increased by 30% In Russian: http://www.inform.kz/rus/article/2696970.
About 5 thousand work permits issued for migrants in Almaty In Russian: http://bnews.kz/ru/news/post/228712/.
ILO aims at a comprehensive program of cooperation with Kyrgyzstan
In Russian: here.
Bilateral working group of Kyrgyzstan and Russia engaged in issues of migrant workers In Russian: http://www.24.kg/cis/186021-resheniem-voprosov-trudovyx-migrantov-zanimaetsya.html.
Head of KR MFA discussed the issues of migrants' rights protection with the representatives of Kyrgyz diaspora in the Sverdlovsk region of Russia In Russian: http://kabar.kg/rus/society/full/82144.
Two-day meeting of KR Ministry of Labor and RF Migration Service representatives held in Issyk-Kul In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/41/40608/467.py.
97% of migrants from Kyrgyzstan are planning to return home In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/41/40607/726.py.
Reminder card for Kyrgyz people, traveling to Russia
Number of divorces is growing in the southern regions because of labor migration In Russian: here.
The issues of providing opportunities for the improvement of the quality of life and protection of the dignity of migrants have been discussed in Osh In Russian: http://www.for.kg/news-282178-ru.html.
Information and educational center for potential internal and returning migrants opened in Osh In Russian: http://www.for.kg/news-281898-ru.html.
Information campaigns promoting risk reduction of labor migration held in the south In Russian: http://www.for.kg/news-281903-ru.html.
Kyrgyzstani people have been invited to the festival "Artmigratsiya" in Moscow In Russian: here.
Free movement of labor between Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic offered at IPC meeting in Bishkek In Russian: http://bnews.kz/ru/news/post/227941/.
Migrants from the KR interested in the speedy entrance of the KR to the Customs Union and the EAEC In Russian: http://bnews.kz/ru/news/post/228436/.
Kyrgyz Parliament Deputy suggested the Kazakh Parliament deputies to consider a number of issues related to migrant workers In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/41/40614/506.py.
Deputy Prime Minister E. Sarieva: “A transparent system of work permits to foreigners needed to attract investment” In Russian: http://kabar.kg/rus/society/full/82542.
Member of Parliament: “Pensions and medical insurance for Kyrgyz migrants in Kazakhstan left unattended by the Kazakh side” In Russian: http://kabar.kg/rus/society/full/82463.
Kyrgyz reprsentatives to be invited to an international conference on migration In Russian: here.
Issues of migration from Kyrgyzstan discussed in St. Petersburg In Russian: here.
421.7 thousand Kyrgyz citizens entered and 375.8 thousand emigrated from Russia from the beginning of the year – Ministry of Labor and Migration KR In Russian: http://kabar.kg/rus/society/full/82495.
Kyrgyz citizens banned to entering Uzbekistan with passports of 1994 In Russian: http://kabar.kg/rus/society/full/82523.
In southern Kyrgyzstan to open center for learning Russian language In Russian: here. |
Tajikistan Labor Ministry set up working groups to work with labor migrants In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/mintruda-tadzhikistana-obrazovalo-rabochie-gruppy-po-rabote-s-migrantami.
Labor exchange officially opened in Khujand In English: http://www.news.tj/en/news/labor-exchange-officially-opened-khujand-thursday.
Remittances of labor migrants in Muminabad exceed the 8 months budget of rayon for 2 times In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/perevody-trudovykh-migrantov-v-muminabade-prevysili-8-mesyachnyi-byudzhet-raiona-v-2-raza.
The first policlinics in Russia for Tajik migrants to receive patients in the coming year
Tajik capital hosts regional forum on migrant’s rights In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/42/40627/68.py.
Problems of migrants' rights protection through various mechanisms discussed in Dushanbe
Inflow of Tajik migrants to Russia decreases, says Tajik envoy In English: http://www.news.tj/en/news/inflow-tajik-migrants-russia-decreases-says-tajik-envoy.
More than 42 thousand jobs created within 8 months in Sughd, Tajikistan In Russian: http://www.avesta.tj/sociaty/27751-v-sogde-tadzhikistana-za-8-mesyacev-sozdano-bolee-42-tys-rabochih-mest.html.
$1.6 billion transferred from Russia to Tajikistan for the first half of year In Russian: here.
Uzbek migrant workers do not trust and do not rush home
In Russian: http://www.uznews.net/ru/economy/27543-uzbekskije-gastarbajtery-ne-verat-i-ne-speshat-domoj.
State Statistics in Uzbekistan did not find labor migrants In Russian: http://www.stanradar.com/news/full/12508-gosstatistika-v-uzbekistane-trudovyh-migrantov-ne-obnaruzhila.html.
Uzbekistan received $1.8 billion in remittances from Russia in the quarter In Russian: http://www.uznews.net/ru/economy/27581-uzbekistan-poluchil-18-mlrd-dollarov-denezhnyh-perevodov-iz-rossii-za-kvartal.
Conditions for deported migrants to change in Russia In Russian: http://kginfo.ru/index.php/novosti/item/2473-v-rossii-izmenyat-usloviya-dlya-vydvoryaemyh-migrantov.html.
Quotas for labor migrants to cancel in Russia In Russian: http://mir24.tv/news/politics/11215751.
FMS of Russia closes entry forever In Russian: http://www.fms.gov.ru/press/news/news_detail.php?ID=104130.
Russian FMS supports the introduction of a paid patent for migrants work In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/politics/19495161/.
Moscow doctors want to count all migrants who do not have insurance In Russian: http://migrant.ferghana.ru/newslaw/mediki_migrant_polis.html.
Cooperation priorities discussed in Bishkek In Russian: here.
Intensive training for tests started for migrants In Russian: http://izvestia.ru/news/576541.
Education and exams for migrants on the Russian language become more affordable In Russian: here.
Russian citizenship becomes more accessible In Russian: http://www.fms.gov.ru/press/news/news_detail.php?ID=107364.
The problem of illegal immigration remains relevant for Moscow In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/video/211943/.
Russian government approved a bill to increase labor mobility In Russian: http://itar-tass.com/obschestvo/1442228.
Remittances from Russia shrink for first time in 5 years, EBRD states In English: http://www.ebrd.com/pages/news/press/2014/140918c.shtml.
Participation in the round table devoted to the rights of migrant children to education In Russian: http://tajmigration.ru/news/259-uchastie-na-kruglom-stole-posvyaschennom-pravam-detey-migrantov-na-obrazovanie.html.
International Conference on labor flows from the Central Asian region in St. Petersburg
Reduction the number of migrants from the CIS in Kazakhstan is not related to the tightening of migration policy - expert In Russian: http://bnews.kz/ru/news/post/228842/.
International News
Obama postponed immigration reform
In Russian: here.
ILO Director General's address on G20 Labor Markets In English: http://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/media-centre/statements-and-speeches/WCMS_305961/lang--en/index.htm.
Migrant: Anyone in the lists of the Federal Migration Service? In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/content/article/26575507.html.
Slaves are needed, not migrants In Russian: http://migrocenter.livejournal.com/224408.html.
City of different cultures, the first day (conference) In Russian: http://strelka.com/ru/summer/event/2014/09/09/a-city-of-different-cultures-day-one/.
City of different cultures, the second day (conference) In Russian: http://strelka.com/ru/summer/event/2014/09/10/a-city-of-different-cultures-day-two/.
Family - a sense of home in any corner of the world, even if you are a migrant ... In Russian: http://www.ethnoinfo.ru/tema-broshennye-semji.
Nicholai Alisov: Migrants from KR to be able to prepare for the test distantly In Russian: here.
Madzhumdzher Muhammad Amin: Good Russian language helps Kyrgyz in the RF In Russian: here.
Migrants ask for a discount at the time of tests In Russian: http://izvestia.ru/news/576621.
Tajikistan: Labor Migrants Play for Pride in Own Football League In English: http://www.eurasianet.org/node/69951.
New issue of “Your Right. Migration”, № 18, September 2014 In Russian: here.
Book of Musa Murataliev "Invasion of migrants" issued in Moscow In Russian: here.
The State Program of the Kyrgyz Republic to consolidate the support of compatriots living abroad In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/42/40617/429.py.
New issue of the newspaper "Voice of Tajiks", "Ovozi Tochikistoniho.", № 75
New issued of “Compatriots” № 9, September 2014 In Russian: here.
Journal Library of "Compatriots» № 9, September 2014 In Russian: here.
International Migration Law N°25 - Glossary on Migration In English: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=56&products_id=1380.
New publications In English: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/index.php?main_page=products_all.
IOM-MPI Issue in Brief No. 10 – Integrating migration into the Post-2015 United Nations Development Agenda In English: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=49&products_id=1359.
How to create a center of intercultural communication (workshop) In Russian: http://strelka.com/ru/summer/event/2014/09/03/how-to-create-a-center-of-intercultural-communication/.
Labor migration In Russian: http://moscow.iom.int/russian/ractivities_labormigration_CARM_info-centre.html.
"Migrant children: school, family, friends" In Russian: http://migrocenter.livejournal.com/224041.html.
Vacancies In English: http://moscow.iom.int/vacancies.html.
Press release about the MLMY "bans" to enter Russia In Russian: http://kabar.kg/rus/pressreliz/full/82598.
National Conference: Issues of women's rights in the context of labor migration
Why internal migrants need to register? In Russian: http://advocacy.kg/index.php/1841-16-sentyabrya-2014-zachem-vnutrennemu-migrantu-nuzhna-registratsiya.
"ElTR": On the problems of migration
IOM announces open position In Russian: http://iom.kg/?p=1310.