Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: August 22 – September 04, 2014
Migrant workers bring tuberculosis to Almaty In Russian: http://news.gazeta.kz/news/trudovye-migranty-zanosyat-tuberkulez-v-almaty-newsID401237.html.
Collecting data of migrants from Kyrgyzstan at the embassy and consulates In Russian: http://for.kg/news-279647-ru.html.
Bishkek to host seminar for teachers on the preparation of migrants from the Kyrgyz Republic for the exam on Russian language, history and legislation of Russia In Russian: http://for.kg/news-279913-ru.html.
Aliyasbek Alymkulov: "We are asked to solve problems of migrants, but the government does not allocate money" In Russian: http://kabar.kg/rus/society/full/81469.
Bakyt Torobaev: Basic problems of migrant workers – CU border crossing, obtaining a patent and the issue of dual citizenship In Russian: http://www.24.kg/biznes-info/185398-bakyt-torobaev-osnovnye-problemy-trudovyx.html.
Kyrgyz illegal immigrants expelled from Russia In Russian: http://www.vb.kg/doc/284582_kyrgyzstanskih_nelegalov_vydvoriat_iz_rossii.html.
Kyrgyzstan may soon join the Customs Union Agreement on Migrant
Accession of Kyrgyzstan to the Agreement on the legal status of migrant decides The High Council of the EAEC In Russian: http://bnews.kz/ru/news/post/226685/.
Migrants complained to deputies on border guards and customs In Russian: here.
Seyilbek Urustemov: Kyrgyzstan expects a reduction in remittances In Russian: http://www.24.kg/economics/185865-sejilbek-urustemov-kyrgyzstan-ozhidaet.html.
Kyrgyz citizens in Russia to start testing in language and history In Russian: here.
Remittances from Kyrgyz migrants decreased by 1.4% from the beginning of the year - NBKR In Russian: http://kabar.kg/rus/economics/full/81796.
In Kara-Kulja district talked about labor migration for students In Russian: http://for.kg/news-280424-ru.html.
Round table on the rally in the Russian Federation due to the infringement of the rights of migrant workers In Russian: http://www.toptj.com/News/2014/08/26/migrants.
700 new jobs created in Khujand YTD In Russian: http://www.avesta.tj/sociaty/27275-v-hudzhande-s-nachala-goda-sozdano-700-novyh-rabochih-mest.html.
More Tajik woman labor migrants leave their children in boarding schools
Tajik MPs meet with Tajik labor migrants In Russian: http://tajmigration.ru/news/251-tadzhikskie-parlamentarii-proveli-vstrechi-s-trudovymi-migrantami.html.
Russian Red Cross and the Red Crescent Society of Iran to help migrants
FMS: The number of Tajik citizens in Russia is reduced In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/fms-chislo-grazhdan-tadzhikistana-v-rossii-sokrashchaetsya.
Issues of labor migration discussed In Russian: http://www.uzinform.com/ru/news/20140823/21498.html.
FMS to create a single database of Russians and migrants In Russian: http://vm.ru/news/2014/08/28/fms-sozdast-edinuyu-bazu-dannih-rossiyan-i-migrantov-263660.html.
SRS to develop a memo on the opportunities to escape from the black list of the FMS of Russia In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/41/40588/42.py.
Categories of migrants who do not have to undergo mandatory testing in Russia named In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/41/40584/328.py.
List of migrants are exempt from mandatory testing in Russia is not yet ready
Russia issued new textbooks adapted for the children of migrants
New patent system for employees to promote migration legalization
Migrant workers arriving in Russia from the September 1 may take the test on the history of the Russian Federation ad lib In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/41/40593/335.py.
Russian artist about "Mekendeshtere", feminists and gays of Kyrgyzstan In Russian: here.
Uzbekistan does not let citizens to Russia In Russian: http://www.uznews.net/ru/society/27351-uzbekistan-ne-otpuskajet-svoih-grazhdan-v-rossiju.
Uzbekistan: Samarkand holds campaign for the return of migrant workers home In Russian: http://www.fergananews.com/articles/8227.
Uzbekistan tries to return all migrant workers from Russia In Russian: http://www.uznews.net/ru/politics/27392-uzbekistan-silitsa-vernut-vseh-gastarbajterov-iz-rossii.
Going abroad ... In Russian: http://precedent.kg/2014/08/28/otpravlyayas-za-granitsu/.
Migrants through the eyes of Muscovites In Russian: http://www.migrant.ru/index.php/news/388-migranty-glazami-moskvichej.html.
Migrants go back to school In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php/analitica/item/2390-migranty-seli-za-party.html.
Migration: Do not stop, but keep. Muscovites have to watch out for residence permits for foreigners
Davron Muhammadiev: "We will build a clinic for migrants" In Russian: http://rus.ozodi.org/content/article/26564607.html.
Nationalism, xenophobia and migration In Russian: http://www.levada.ru/26-08-2014/natsionalizm-ksenofobiya-i-migratsiya.
New issue of “Your Right. Migration”, № 17, September 2014 In Russian: here.
IOM: Hotline - 189 In Russian: http://advocacy.kg/index.php/1771-02-sentyabrya-2014-mom-telefon-goryachej-linii-189.