Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: July 11 – 24, 2014
One of the lowest rates of youth unemployment in the world is in Kazakhstan In Russian: http://www.inform.kz/rus/article/2678686.
Kazakhstan intends to simplify the conditions of entry for repatriates In Russian: http://www.inform.kz/rus/article/2678224.
Almost 100,000 foreigners visited Almaty from the beginning of this year In Russian: http://tengrinews.kz/kazakhstan_news/s-nachala-goda-almatyi-posetili-pochti-100-tyisyach-inostrantsev-258430/.
About 26,000 foreigners work in Kazakhstan In Russian: http://bnews.kz/ru/news/post/217641/.
Kazakh government amended the rules of entry and exit of immigrants In Russian: http://www.inform.kz/rus/article/2679301.
Kazakhstan to take fingerprints of migrants In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/inworld/kazakhstan/politics/18968428/.
Free legal assistance to migrant workers and their families provide in Kazakhstan In Russian: here.
Kyrgyzstan supported the idea of introduction a card for migrants in the CIS and particularly Russia In Russian: http://www.kginform.com/ru/news/20140715/20391.html.
Kyrgyz in Moscow In Russian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxRhN-HYHS0&feature=youtu.be.
Every second offense is committed in Bishkek because of active internal migration - police In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/law-and-order/full/79625.
The greatest number of emigrants on interregional migration remains in Naryn In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/society/full/79592.
700,000 migrants from the Kyrgyz Republic are in other countries – Ministry of Labor In Russian: here.
Overall unemployment rate in Kyrgyzstan is 8.4 percent In Russian: http://www.24.kg/community/183490-v-kyrgyzstane-obshhij-uroven-bezraboticy.html.
Kyrgyz citizens for legalization in Russia need to know 850 words In Russian: here.
Group "Outbound community": Help workers and their families on the locally
Pensions for Kyrgyz labor migrants to set in other countries In Russian: here.
EDB: GDP growth slowed in Kyrgyzstan due to the reduction of migrant remittances In Russian: here.
MFA to offer developed countries to sign the Convention on the protection of migrants In Russian: here.
Kyrgyz people choose Korea, Russia and the UAE to work abroad In Russian: http://www.for.kg/news-272211-ru.html.
Bakyt Degenbaev: Migrants have the potential for development of Kyrgyzstan In Russian: here.
Kyrgyz in Russia can be tested on language knowledge from September In Russian: here.
Collection of biometric data of migrants in Kazakhstan starts in August In Russian: here.
Giving preference for Kyrgyz migrants in joining the Custom Union depends on two agreements In Russian: http://kabar.kg/rus/society/full/80087.
Government can assist to Kyrgyz citizens living abroad to help homeland - N.Omurov In Russian: http://kabar.kg/rus/society/full/80180.
Elvira Sarieva: Increase in the number of migrants from Kyrgyzstan requires the development of new management tools of foreign employment In Russian: http://www.24.kg/community/184021-yelvira-sarieva-uvelichenie-chislennosti.html.
Aliyasbek Alymkulov: "Construction industry in Kyrgyzstan is developing because of our migrants" In Russian: http://kabar.kg/rus/economics/full/80272.
Elvira Sarieva: "The government is developing a new migration policy" In Russian: http://kabar.kg/rus/society/full/80275.
Number of Kyrgyz, leaving to work in Kazakhstan, reduced twice In Russian: http://kabar.kg/rus/society/full/80287.
Remittances from Kyrgyz migrants, increasing annually by 15-16% In Russian: http://kabar.kg/rus/economics/full/80176.
Aliyasbek Alymkulov: "This year, Kyrgyzstan issued 345 quotas for foreign specialists" In Russian: http://kabar.kg/rus/society/full/80291.
7500 people in Bishkek, registered as unemployed, 135 receive unemployment benefits In Russian: http://www.for.kg/news-272712-ru.html.
Over two thousand people approached the Job Center for KR citizens since the beginning of the year – Ministry of Labor In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/society/full/79968.
Foreign Affairs Ministry sent to Russia documents of 100 Kyrgyz for output from the "black list" of FMS In Russian: http://kabar.kg/rus/society/full/79958.
Problems of internal migrants discussed in Osh In Russian: http://www.for.kg/news-273109-ru.html.
At a joint meeting discussed the work of the commission to address the problems of internal migrants in Osh
Representatives of Tajikistan and Russia regions in October to meet in Moscow In Russian: http://tajmigration.ru/news/217-predstaviteli-regionov-tadzhikistana-i-rossii-v-oktyabre-soberutsya-v-moskve.html.
Tagoeva: Number of traveling abroad Tajik migrants decreased In Russian: here.
Amonatbonk: the volume of remittances decreased by 17% In Russian: here.
PF "Panorama": Abandoned wives of migrants in need of support In Russian: here.
Tajiks Labor Migrants Confused About Status In English: http://iwpr.net/report-news/tajiks-labour-migrants-confused-about-status.
Institute of Russian Language and Culture of MSU ready to cooperate in the training of specialists for training and testing in the Russian language in Tajikistan
Ambassador of the RT in RF: Assistance for migrant workers is a priority task In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/posol-rt-v-rf-pomoshch-trudovym-migrantam-yavlyaetsya-prioritetnoi-nashei-zadachei.
Embassy of the RT and RF: Migrants insurance is a social responsibility In Russian: here.
Insurance issues of migrant workers from Tajikistan discussed in Moscow In Russian: http://tajmigration.ru/news/228-v-moskve-obsuzhdeny-voprosy-strahovaniya-trudovyh-migrantov-iz-tadzhikistana.html.
Tajikistan in the last place among the CIS countries in the rating on social development In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/v-reitinge-sotsialnogo-razvitiya-tadzhikistan-zanyal-poslednee-mesto-sredi-stran-sng.
A. Shirinov: Remittances to Tajikistan decreased by 2% In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/ashirinov-obem-denezhnykh-perevodov-v-tadzhikistan-upal-na-2.
More than 114 thousand residents left Northern Tajikistan In Russian: here.
"Tochiksugurta" insured more than 7600 migrant workers for half a year In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/tochiksugurta-zastrakhovala-za-polgoda-bolee-7-tys600-trudovykh-migrantov.
92 thousand 245 jobs created in Tajikistan for half a year In Russian: here.
Government approved a bill on insurance premiums for migrant workers
In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/politics/18912331/.
Omsk became the leader of Russia in terms of wanting to go to another city In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/inregions/siberian/55/society/18902996/.
Russian government supported the introduction of quotas for patents for migrants In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/politics/18953570/.
Migrant workers to take exams in Russia In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/video/199271/.
Exams on Russian language and history to be paid for migrants In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/politics/18945847/.
Portals for learning Russian language abroad to be launched in September 2014 In Russian: http://www.rosbalt.ru/main/2014/07/21/1294361.html.
Mobile application for migrants offer to create in Russia In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/politics/18971611/.
Foreign migrant workers would be allowed to take exams many times In Russian: http://www.ng.ru/politics/2014-07-22/2_refugees.html.
Migrants to correctly answer 40% of the questions to pass the exam on the history of the Russian Federation In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/society/18982445/.
Government of Russia increased by 53.5 % quota for the issuance of the TRP in 2014 In Russian: here.
Entry procedure of Central Asia citizens to Russia not yet changed
In Russian: http://kginfo.ru/index.php/migranty/item/2091-poryadok-v'ezda-grazhdan-tsa-v-rossiyu-poka-chto-ne-izmenilsya.html.
Remittances to the economy of Central Asian republics
International News
Three billionaire accused the U.S. Congress for the failure of immigration policy In Russian: http://www.rosbalt.ru/main/2014/07/12/1291417.html.
ILO and World Bank Group to enhance access to index insurance in rural areas in Africa and Asia In English: http://www.microinsurancefacility.org/news/2014/july/enhance-access-index-insurance.
46 complex issues removed from tests for migrants
In Russian: http://izvestia.ru/news/573831.
Migrants decided to make investments in Russian banks In Russian: http://izvestia.ru/news/573732.
Migration innovations In Russian: http://kginfo.ru/index.php/novosti/item/1998-migratsionnye-novshestva.html.
In Fergana people wait in line for two days to receive remittances
Migrant workers of terrorist specialties In Russian: http://svpressa.ru/politic/article/92354/.
Tests for migrants decided to ease In Russian: here.
Labor migration or where to go for unemployed farmer In Russian: http://slovo.kg/?p=36969.
Russia and the Pamir. In the cold In Russian: http://rus.azattyq.org/content/rossia-i-pamir-v-kholode/25455703.html.
Kazakhstan: an island of stability in an unstable region In Russian: http://ria.ru/radio/20140711/1015507652.html.
From Central Asia to Moscow, Riding the Bribery Express In English: http://www.eurasianet.org/node/68806.
Federal Migration closure In Russian: http://lenta.ru/articles/2014/07/23/fms/.
Past and present of the country in 500 words In Russian: http://www.ng.ru/politics/2014-07-18/1_past.html.
Ministry of Labor wrote out sick list for migrant workers In Russian: http://www.ng.ru/economics/2014-07-18/4_mintrud.html.
Better to confess to all in dual citizenship In Russian: http://www.ng.ru/politics/2014-07-22/1_double.html.
Since September migrants wishing to work in Russia to take an exam, like Unified State Exam In Russian: http://www.24.kg/cis/183675-s-sentyabrya-migranty-zhelayushhie-rabotat-v.html.
Information campaign for young people of the southern region: Labor migration without risks
Moscow could not refuse janitors migrant workers In Russian: http://izvestia.ru/news/574210.
Migrant workers to be obliged to know the constitutional order of Russia In Russian: http://izvestia.ru/news/573988.
Knowledge of Russian language for the countries of Central Asia is becoming increasingly important in the light of increasing labor migration to Russia - expert
Tajikistan: Labor Migration Creates Orphan Conundrum In English: http://www.eurasianet.org/node/69171.
New Issue of “Your Right. Migration” № 14, July 2014
In Russian: here.
New Issue of “Compatriots” № 7, July 2014 In Russian: http://migratsia.ru/blog/vyshel_v_svet_zhurnal_zemljaki_7_ijul_2014_goda/2014-07-16-181.
Making Your Travel Safe: Tips on Safe Migration Practices for Youth In English: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=34&products_id=1189.
Migration Crisis Operational Framework (One year of implementation 2012-2013) In English: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=41_7&products_id=1183.
News on Labor migration, №62 May-June 2014 In Russian: http://www.profmigr.com/vestnik/06_2014/#1/z.
Roundtable on immigrants adaption
In Russian: http://ria.ru/announce/20140717/1016422884.html.
Grant competition under the project "Support to victims of human trafficking, vulnerable migrants, their families and communities in Central Asia" In Russian: http://www.iom.kz/ru/%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8/123-grant-call-ngo.
Bishkek to host "Forum Mekendeshter 2014: Contribution to the future of Kyrgyzstan" In Russian: http://iom.kg/?p=1260.