Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: February 19 - March 04
Law on Population Migration to have amendments In Russian: http://www.enbek.gov.kz/en/node/348560.
In Kyrgyzstan labor quota for foreigners approved for 2018 In Russian: http://www.kginform.com/en/news/20180223/29341.html.
Sooronbai Jeenbekov: "Reduce migration indicators by supporting small and medium-sized businesses" In Russian: here.
137 foreign migrants were deported from Kyrgyzstan in 2017, since the beginning of 2018 - 31 In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/news/v-2017-godu-iz-kyrgyzstana-deportirovali-137-inostrantcev-migrantov-2018-31/.
Migrant networks may counteract extremism
South Korea may increase quota for receiving migrants from Uzbekistan to 4000 a year In Russian: http://podrobno.uz/cat/obchestvo/yuzhnaya-koreya-mozhet-uvelichit-kvotu-priema-migrantov-i/.
About 50 thousand workers to send Uzbekistan to the Russian Federation in 2018 In Russian: http://www.uzdaily.uz/articles-id-36318.htm.
To regulate migration flows necessary to create conditions, says Putin In Russian: https://ria.ru/defense_safety/20180228/1515447092.html.
Vice-Premier stated need to further reduce proportion of migrant workers in Russia In Russian: http://avesta.tj/2018/03/03/vitse-premer-zayavila-o-neobhodimosti-dalnejshego-sokrashheniya-doli-gastarbajterov-v-rf/.
Most of all migrants in 2017 arrived in St. Petersburg from Kyrgyzstan In Russian: http://vb.kg/society-kg/bolshe-vsego-migrantov-v-2017-gody-pribylo-v-peterbyrg-iz-kyrgyzstana.html.
Bringing the Voice of Migrants into Central Asia HIV Discussions In English: http://rovienna.iom.int/news/bringing-voice-migrants-central-asia-hiv-discussions.
Ahead of Social Justice Day, UN agency calls for fair labour migration governance In English: https://news.un.org/en/story/2018/02/1003071.
Social justice for migrant workers is in everyone’s interest
Asanbayev: We will protect the rights of migrants In Russian: https://eng.azattyk.org/a/asanbaev_migrants_problems/29047568.html.
They reproach and call "come in large numbers" - that enrages a newcomer in Bishkek In Russian: https://ru.sputnik.kg/society/20180225/1037895631/chto-besit-prizjego-bishkeke.html.
Uzbekistan to change its attitude towards migrants-compatriots?
Russia gives the right to migrants/foreigners to start own business In Russian: https://migrant.news.tj/post/2742.
About 30,000 Chinese migrants married Kyrgyz girls in order to facilitate the procedure for obtaining citizenship In Russian: here.
Robots and migrants to rescue Russia In Russian: http://vb.kg/economics/rossiu-spasyt-roboty-i-migranty.html.
Migration: Kyrgyz Republic to remain dependent on remittances In Russian: https://eng.azattyk.org/a/kyrgyzstan_migrazia_denejnye_perevody/29072925.html.
Alina Moldokeeva: A significant part of Kyrgyz youth associates its future with Russia
10 main mistakes of migrants In Russian: https://migrant.news.tj/post/2871.
According to the documents - a migrant, in fact - an extremist In Russian: https://www.ritmeurasia.org/news--2018-03-03--po-dokumentam-migrant-v-dejstvitelnosti-ekstremist-35233.
What are the migrants praying for? In Russian: http://nlkg.kg/ru/society/religion/o-chem-molyatsya-migranty.
How Kyrgyzstanis are sent on their last journey from Russia to their homeland In Russian: http://www.stanradar.com/news/full/28588-kak-kyrgyzstantsev-otpravljajut-v-poslednij-put-iz-rossii-na-rodinu.html.
On the introduction of restrictions on entry to Russian Federation In Russian: http://ssm.gov.kg/?p=825.
Guide for legal living and working in Russia In Russian: https://rg.ru/2018/02/27/kakie-zakony-nuzhno-znat-chtoby-zhit-i-rabotat-v-rossii.html.