Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: November 29 – December 12, 2013
Almaty hosted a forum for cooperation in the field of migration
In Russian: here.
Migrants pay money for illegally crossing the Russian-Kazakh border In Russian: http://33live.ru/novosti/03-12-2013-migranty-platyat-dengi-za-nelegalnyj-perexod-rossijsko-kazaxstanskoj-granicy.html.
Children of migrants in Kazakhstan lose the right for education and medical care? In Russian: http://anticorruption.kg/2013/11/30/deti-migrantov-v-kazaxstane-lishatsya-prava-na-obrazovanie-i-medpomoshh/.
About 500,000 Kyrgyzstanis- migrant workers in Kazakhstan In English: here.
Nazarbayev signed the Law on Amendments to labor migration In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/inworld/kazakhstan/politics/16041417/.
Kazakhs are the most numerous migrants in the Southern Urals In Russian: http://www.dostup1.ru/society/Kazahi-stali-samymi-mnogochislennymi-migrantami-na-Yuzhnom-Urale.html.
Migration authorities of Kazakhstan annually recorded about 2 million foreigners In Russian: http://bnews.kz/ru/news/post/176239/.
It is time to return back home, a turning point for migrant workers - Atambayev In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2059571.
JK Toraga and chairman of the State Duma of RF discussed the problems of migrants in Russia In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2045981.
Workgroup is created on cooperation on labor migration between the governments of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan
Labor migration from Kyrgyzstan can turn a social disaster, EU experts say In Russian: http://www.itar-tass.com/mezhdunarodnaya-panorama/810235.
Consulate General of the Kyrgyz Republic in Yekaterinburg developed information leaflets with information about the causes of non-permission to enter Russia In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2060821.
Many migrant workers in the future will face the challenge of pensions, because they do not make any contributions to the Social Fund - expert In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2062911.
Boris Silaev proposes to establish responsibilities of Russia and Kyrgyzstan in issues of labor migration In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2070791.
Mostly children and elderly people stay in southern Kyrgyzstan due to migration – NGO representative In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2062891.
Powerful corruption schemes created in Russia for skinning migrants - Boris Silaev In Russian: here.
Ulukbek Bakenov: Migrant workers from Kyrgyzstan - unabiding In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2058261.
Special commission created to support internal migrants in Osh Mayor’s Office In Russian: here.
For 10 months 2013th citizens of Kyrgyzstan get 76.1 thousand patents to work in Russia In Russian: http://www.24.kg/cis/166707-za-10-mesyacev-2013-go-grazhdanam-kyrgyzstana.html.
About 40 thousand rubles Kyrgyz migrant spends on bribes for legalization in Russia In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2070461.
Mini-play in support of migrants from Kyrgyzstan held in the center of Bishkek street In Russian: http://www.kginform.com/ru/news/20131130/18858.html.
Bishkek to host round table on “Development of cooperation on humanitarian issues in order to support vulnerable groups, including migrants” In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2076971.
Government formed an expert group to study administration in Kyrgyzstan migration cards for registration of foreign nationals In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2081651.
Kyrgyz citizens working in Kazakhstan calling compatriots for calm In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/inworld/kyrgyzstan/politics/15973353/.
Migrants with Russian citizenship may be allowed to work in the bodies of local self-government In Russian: http://www.24.kg/parlament/167694-migrantam-s-rossijskim-grazhdanstvom-vozmozhno.html.
Kyrgyz film “Love in Moscow” is released in cinemas in Russia In Russian: here.
Tajik Embassy in Russia clarified rules for filling the migration card
Insurance company “Mehnat” is ready to support Tajik migrant workers In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/strakhovaya-organizatsiya-mekhnat-gotova-podderzhat-tadzhikskikh-trudovykh-migrantov.
Tajikistan received more than $ 19 billion in remittances for 10 years In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/v-tadzhikistan-za-10-let-postupilo-svyshe-19-mlrd-v-vide-denezhnykh-perevodov.
Cooperation with IOM in Moscow In Russian: http://tajmigration.ru/news/65-sotrudnichestvo-s-byuro-mom-v-moskve.html.
MS RT: Ministry will determine the policy, and the migration service would be performing structure
Union representatives of Tajikistan in Moscow studying the problems of social and labor relations
Over 10 years Tajik migrants transferred to their homeland almost 20 billion dollars In Russian: here.
Over 9.3 thousand Tajiks denied entry into Russia through the online system of IAD In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/svyshe-93-tys-tadzhikistantsam-otkazano-vo-vezde-v-rossiyu-cherez-onlain-sistemu-mad.
Russian wife of a migrant from Tajikistan protect its civilian husband In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2087611.
Administration of Yekaterinburg "would speak" with migrant workers in the literary Tajik language In Russian: http://alshevskix.livejournal.com/1087688.html.
Uzbekistan will prepare migrants for life in St. Petersburg
In Russian: http://top.rbc.ru/spb_freenews/05/12/2013/892960.shtml.
UNDP promotes employment and social protection of the population of Uzbekistan In Russian: http://www.uzinform.com/ru/news/20131211/20362.html.
Foreigners would be able to check online, whether they denied entry to RF In Russian: http://www.rg.ru/2013/11/29/fms-service-site.html.
City of migrants to build at the expense of the capital budget in the center of Moscow In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2046151.
Migrants will not work in Russia, if they conceal the purpose of visit In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/10/40108/625.py.
FMS head: it is not advantageous for Russia to introduce visa regime with CIS countries In Russian: http://www.rosbalt.ru/main/2013/12/02/1206312.html.
Putin calls for state resources to include to the teaching of Russian migrant children In Russian: http://www.itar-tass.com/obschestvo/813211.
Number of migrants entering Russia for 4 years has grown by almost 40% In Russian: http://ria.ru/society/20131206/982390341.html.
90% of migrant workers in St. Petersburg and Moscow are made through intermediaries In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2070811.
The first in Russia adaptation center for migrants opened in Tambov In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/10/40107/131.py.
Putin offered to hire workers on patents In Russian: here.
Federal Migration Service confirmed the forthcoming reform of quotas for migrants In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/politics/16015587/.
FMS presented interactive "map of migration" In Russian: http://www.otr-online.ru/news/news_16211.html.
Books about migrants in kindergartens In Russian: http://izvestia.ru/news/560746.
FMS will identify and deport illegal pregnant migrants, writes "Izvestiya" In Russian: http://www.24.kg/bigtiraj/167635-fms-budet-vyyavlyat-i-deportirovat-nelegalnyx.html.
MPs force migrants to speak in Russian at work In Russian: http://lenta.ru/news/2013/12/12/language/.
Medvedev refused to enter visas to the countries of Central Asia In Russian: http://www.avesta.tj/goverment/21834-medvedev-otkazalsya-vvodit-vizy-so-stranami-sredney-azii.html.
Volova: We need to increase public tolerance towards migrant workers In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/inregions/nordwest/39/politics/16038662/.
One migrant deportation costs Russia 1 thousand $ In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2092421.
About 3.5 million illegals within the territory of Russia In Russian: http://ria.ru/society/20131209/982925285.html.
CIS experts to discuss harmonization of laws in the field of labor migration In Russian: http://www.avesta.tj/sociaty/21826-eksperty-sng-obsudyat-sblizhenie-zakonodatelstv-v-sfere-trudovoy-migracii.html.
International News
The capital of Finland expands medical services for illegal immigrants In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/politics/16027667/.
Long-term unemployment, the new challenge for many countries In English: http://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_232094/lang--en/index.htm.
Attractiveness of Kazakhstan for migrants raises a number of problems
In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2071481.
"Russia for the Russian?" Stories of Tajik migrants In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2056971.
Sergei Shatalov: Remittances of Kyrgyz labor migrants will decrease In Russian: here.
Promise new obstacles for migrants in Russia In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2048271.
Political parties of migrants: danger or inevitability? In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2050851.
Empire of migrants: Russia strengthens its position in Central Asia in exchange for preferential treatment for migrants
Migrant: the ant from across In Russian: here.
Ravshan - to the garden, Dzhamshut - for nanny In Russian: http://www.megapolis.kz/art/Ravshana__v_sad_Dzhamshuta__v_nyanki.
Budget loses millions of dollars In Russian: http://www.zakon.kz/4589504-bjudzhet-nedopoluchaet-milliony-dollarov.html.
Rubber neighbors In Russian: http://www.rosbalt.ru/piter/2013/12/05/1207994.html.
Hard Labor for Uzbekistan's Religious Dissidents In English: http://iwpr.net/report-news/hard-labour-uzbekistans-religious-dissidents.
Labor illegals from Central Asia need competent emigration policies of donor countries In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2076051.
Expert: Contribution of migrant workers into the Russian economy - $ 400 billion per year In Russian: here.
Fatigue with migrants In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/politics/15980586/.
Cheated Kyrgyz migrants in Russia In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2087111.
Tajik migrants reduced confidence to their country. Russian citizens consider the most reliable partners - Belarusians and Kazakhs - "NG" In Russian: http://www.centrasia.ru/newsA.php?st=1386561480.
Russia tightens responsibility for the fictitious registration of migrants In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/content/article/25197024.html.
Migration gets hope In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/u-migratsii-poyavilas-nadezhda.
Russian teachers want to oblige to learn Uzbek In Russian: here.
Andrei Volos: "I am awfully fond of Tajiks and Tajikistan" In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=2084121.
New issue of the newspaper "Your right. Migration" № 23, December 2013
In Russian: here.
Migrant Assistance Division Annual Review 2012 In English: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=41_7&products_id=1048.
"Migration XXI Century" Independent News and Analysis Journal, № 4 (19), September-October 2013 In Russian: http://mirpal.org/files/files/migraciaXXI-19.pdf.
In English: http://moscow.iom.int/vacancies.html.
Announcement of the competition to assess the ongoing project "Promotion of solutions to the problems of internal migrants"
Migration Programme "CENTRAL ASIA IN MOTION" In Russian: http://advocacy.kg/index.php/673-02-dekabrya-2013-programma-po-migratsii-tsentralnaya-aziya-v-dvizhenii.