Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: February 20 - March 05
MLSP RK developed a draft concept of migration policy In Russian: http://www.enbek.gov.kz/ru/node/343512.
Now Korean companies to promote labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan In Russian: here.
Kyrgyz citizens in Russia are considered the elite migrants In Russian: here.
Pankratov: exports to Russia - this is for Kyrgyz Republic jobs and decrease
In Kyrgyzstan to study role of local government bodies and state agencies in the effective management of internal migration
Parliament abolished the increase in prices for a work permit in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: here.
Screening about the migration "Fathers Will" In Russian: http://advocacy.kg/index.php/4160-3-marta-videomaterialy-pokaz-filma-o-migratsii-zaveshchanie-ottsa.
Children's clubs in Moscow. To assist working mothers, foreign women In Russian: http://www.fergananews.com/articles/9289
Remittances from Russia are equal to one third of Tajikistan's GDP In Russian: http://www.toptj.com/News/2017/02/24/denezhnye-perevody-migrantov-iz-rossii-ravny-treti-vvp-tadzhikistana.
Statistics of labor migration in Tajikistan In Russian: http://www.easttime.ru/news/tadzhikistan/statistika-trudovoi-migratsii-tadzhikistana/12854.
In Tajikistan to train migrant before sending out Russia
Shuvalov named conditions for migrants returning from Tajikistan to Russia
Uzbekistan and Russia discussed issues of labor migration In Russian: http://www.easttime.ru/news/uzbekistan/uzbekistan-i-rossiya-obsudili-voprosy-trudovoi-migratsii/12859.
In Uzbekistan to improve the process of labor migration In Russian: http://www.easttime.ru/news/uzbekistan/v-uzbekistane-usovershenstvuyut-protsess-trudovoi-migratsii/12865.
Tashkent hosted a presentation of benefits for migrant workers In Russian: http://www.uzdaily.uz/articles-id-31620.htm.
The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation summed up the comprehensive exam for migrants In Russian: http://www.migranto.ru/single-post/v-obshestvennoi-palate-rf-podveli-itogi-ompleksnogo-ekzamena-dlia-migrantov.
Portal Migranto.ru held a seminar for legal entities innovations immigration legislation in 2017
Free newspaper for women migrants from Asia started issuing in St. Petersburg In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/a/28326186.html. |
Women in Asia: high contribution, little rewards In English: http://www.ilo.org/asia/info/public/newsitems/WCMS_545923/lang--en/index.htm.
Moscow Cathedral Mosque in the lives of migrants from Central Asia In Russian: http://caa-network.org/archives/8421.
Women in migration: challenge for traditional role, but an opportunity to improve the status In Russian: http://caa-network.org/archives/8462.
60% of Russian-speaking population in Kazakhstan - potential migrants - political scientist In Russian: https://365info.kz/2017/03/60-russkoyazychnogo-naseleniya-kazahstana-potentsialnye-migranty-politolog/.
Vacancy notice: National Programme Officer (Almaty) In English: http://iom.kz/%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8/241-vnnpoalmaty.
Vacancy notice: National Programme Officer (Astana) In English: http://iom.kz/%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8/242-vnnpoastana.