Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: June 28 – July 12, 2013
The Government discusses implementation of the "Roadmap Employment-2020" program In Russian: http://www.enbek.gov.kz/node/284282.
Migrants threaten the sovereignty of our country - Mavlyan Askarbekov In Russian: here.
Kyrgyzstan introduces electronic visa In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/10/39706/14.py.
Kyrgyz call-center in Moscow, expands the range of its activities In Russian: here.
Representatives of the authorities have been denied to monitor facility where migrants work In Russian: here.
Only a third of the workers of the Chinese company China Road work legally In Russian: here.
Fund “Dobrososedstvo” joins to solve the problems of Kyrgyz migrant workers in the Russian Federation In Russian: here.
Representative office of Social Fund of Kyrgyzstan to be opened in Moscow In Russian: http://for.kg/news-231568-ru.html.
Young Kyrgyz people master Russian distant lands In Russian: http://www.kginform.com/ru/news/20130701/17396.html.
More than 5 thousand foreigners have taken Kyrgyz citizenship since the beginning of the year In Russian: http://for.kg/news-231604-ru.html.
Inflow of remittances from Russia accounts for nearly a third of the GDP of the Kyrgyz Republic In Russian: here.
Internal migrants have been denied to go to a meeting at the regional office
Working group to develop proposals for the formation of the state migration policy is created In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=1645931.
Migration centers to be created in Bishkek and Osh airports In Russian: here.
Bolot Dzhunusov meets with the Director of the Federal Migration Service of Russia In Russian: here.
Kyrgyz diaspora in Russia dissatisfied with the decision of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on the pension program of migrant workers In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/society/full/58804.
Russia to take steps to streamline the abuse of the migration regime for citizens of Kyrgyzstan In Russian: here.
Offer to acquire labor patents for Kyrgyz citizens working in Russia In Russian: here.
Cooperation with Kyrgyz diaspora on migration issues to strengthen in Moscow In Russian: here.
Ministry of Labor, Migration and Youth proposes to simplify the assignment of the kayrylman status to ethnic Kyrgyz In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=1652151.
Medical center for the Kyrgyzstani in Yekaterinburg In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/33/39736/754.py.
Abulgaziev promises to leave the workers the right to choose the pension fund In Russian: here.
75% of the pension contributions of migrants from Kyrgyzstan will be spent to the Russian private company In Russian: here.
Remittances of Kyrgyz labor migrants for 2009 -2012 years doubled to $ 1.9 billion In Russian: http://for.kg/news-232158-ru.html.
Minister of Economy of Kyrgyzstan: Without remittances poverty rate would reach 42% In Russian: http://for.kg/news-232184-ru.html.
As of July 2013 687 thousand citizens of Kyrgyzstan reside with different goals in Russia In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=1649631.
Kyrgyzstan enters the CU only after removal of all disputes In Russian: http://news.gazeta.kz/art.asp?aid=383582.
Tajik migration service agency, RCS to open centers for labor migrants In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/ms-i-obshchestvo-krasnogo-polumesyatsa-rt-otkroyut-tsentry-dlya-trudovykh-migrantov.
Tajik minister visits UAE to discuss labor migration cooperation issues In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/v-dubae-byl-obsuzhden-vopros-ob-otpravke-tadzhikskikh-trudovykh-migrantov-v-oae.
NDPT Representatives in Russia to hold a series of meetings with migrant workers
Russia is planning to open a "temporary corridor" for citizens of Tajikistan In Russian: http://www.avesta.tj/sociaty/19174-rossiya-planiruet-otkryt-vremennyy-koridor-dlya-grazhdan-tadzhikistana.html.
Implementation of "Young migrant" project completed in Sughd In Russian: http://www.avesta.tj/sociaty/19194-v-sogde-zavershaetsya-realizaciya-proekta-molodoy-migrant.html.
Women Join Tajikistan's Labor Exodus In English: http://iwpr.net/report-news/women-join-tajikistans-labour-exodus.
Rossotrudnichestvo to assist with training of Tajik labor migrants In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/rossotrudnichestvo-okazhet-sodeistvie-v-podgotovke-tadzhikskikh-trudovykh-migrantov.
Migration Service and the Islamic Center of Tajikistan sign a memorandum on cooperation
B.Musaev: Uzbekistan - Migrant workers in Russia, it is a shame of the nation? In Russian:http://www.centrasia.ru/news2.php?st=1372869660.
To take "on the pencil" migrants who have left Uzbekistan In Russian: http://stanradar.com/news/full/3450-vyehavshih-iz-uzbekistana-gastarbajterov-berut-na-karandash.html.
Excuse me, whether you need a carpenter? Issue of Uzbek-Russian Phrase Book in Russia
Issues of vulnerability reduction of different categories of migrants discussed in Moscow In Russian: http://www.tajmigration.ru/news/v-moskve-obsudili-voprosy-snizheniya-uyazvimosti-razlichnykh-kategorii-migrantov.
Cancel quotas for immigrants in the first quarter of 2014
State Duma deputies want to increase 2 times the size of insurance premiums for migrants In Russian: http://news.tj/ru/news/deputaty-gosdumy-khotyat-uvelichit-v-2-raza-razmer-strakhovykh-vznosov-za-migrantov.
FMS of Russia prepared a plan for its activities for the years 2013-2018 In Russian: http://www.garant.ru/news/480926/.
Labor migrants from CIS Russia would have permission for temporary residence - media In Russian: http://for.kg/news-231550-ru.html.
Influx of migrant workers from CIS countries to the Russian cities takes excessive in nature, - the head of the Federal Migration Service
Five mobile stations migration began working in Moscow In Russian: http://www.itar-tass.com/c15/791324.html.
Free language courses in Yekaterinburg for visitors from Kyrgyzstan In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/10/39710/888.py.
Reduced quota for migrant workers in the Ryazan region In Russian: http://for.kg/news-231074-ru.html.
84% of Russian citizens support the idea of a strict visa regime with the countries of Central Asia In Russian: http://www.toptj.com/News/2013/07/04/levada.
Russia's need for migrant workers is 18 million people - expert In Russian: http://for.kg/news-231724-ru.html.
Russia does not tighten immigration policy, and strengthens the responsibility of violators - Romodanovskiy In Russian: http://news.namba.kg/read.php?id=1649771.
Migrant workers work more than Russian citizens - a study In Russian: here.
Salary of migrants and Russian workers nearly matched In Russian: http://www.kginform.com/ru/news/20130709/17484.html.
Labor migrants in Russia are engaged in lending of their compatriots In Russian: here.
Kyrgyz and Chinese migrants are least paid at construction sites in Moscow In Russian: here.
Migrant workers in St. Petersburg were given brochures In Russian: http://www.tajmigration.ru/news/v-peterburge-trudovym-migrantam-vydali-broshyury.
Arkhangelsk region is in need of labor migrants from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan
Training courses of Russian language for labor migrants from Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan in Vladivostok
Kyrgyz and Tajik migrants are able to run for mayor of Tyumen In Russian: http://for.kg/news-231151-ru.html.
Fingerprints of migrants FMS to shoot in Bishkek and Dushanbe In Russian: http://www.migrant.ru/news.php?id=1856.
Kyrgyz and Tajik migrants are able to run for mayor of Tyumen In Russian: http://for.kg/news-231151-ru.html.
Fingerprints of migrants FMS to shoot in Bishkek and Dushanbe In Russian: http://www.migrant.ru/news.php?id=1856.
International News
U.S. Senate approved a draft immigration reform In Russian: http://news.gazeta.kz/art.asp?aid=383139.
Unemployment and inflation in Europe rose again In Russian: http://inform.kz/rus/article/2570828.
Statement by Committee on Migrant Workers on Migrant workers’ rights: 10 years of progress but huge challenges remain In English: here.
Russian banks lend migrants from Central Asia In Russian: http://stanradar.com/news/full/3302-rossijskie-banki-kreditujut-migrantov-iz-tsentralnoj-azii.html.
A.Shustov: Migration and national security of Russia. Even liberals insist on the introduction of visa regime In Russian: http://www.centrasia.ru/news2.php?st=1372450740.
Influx of labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan to Russia stabilized In Russian: here.
Opening of the Russian language courses for foreigners In Russian: here.
Migrants have their say in the election In Russian: http://www.ng.ru/politics/2013-07-02/1_migranty.html.
S.Pirov: Migration processes in Tajikistan threatens the CIS In Russian: http://www.centrasia.ru/news2.php?st=1372874340.
There is no competition between migrants and the Russians to get a job - study In Russian: http://www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1680480.html.
Migration from CIS: there is growth in number, no quality: they are sovereign
New rules for migrants. A View from the Russian State Duma In Russian: http://stanradar.com/news/full/3538-novye-pravila-dlja-migrantov-vzgljad-iz-gosdumy-rossii.html.
Chinese migrants can make third revolution in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: http://stanradar.com/news/full/3514-tretju-revoljutsiju-v-kyrgyzstane-mogut-sovershit-kitajskie-migranty.html.
Nicholai Alisov: It is necessary to act gradually in migration policy In Russian: here.
Kyrgyz women, working in Russia, would get benefits for pregnancy In Russian: here.
Permission to work in Russia were given to 120,000 Kyrgyz In Russian: here.
New Issue of “Your Right. Migration” № 13, July 2013 In Russian: here.
Migration processes in Kyrgyzstan in the period of sovereignty In Russian: http://www.akipress.org/kghistory/news:13592.
On the key issues of illegal migration through the checkpoints of the Kyrgyz-Kazakh border In Russian: http://anticorruption.kg/wp-content/uploads/2013-06-o-problemah-migratsii-cherez-kyrzyzsko-kazahskuy-granitsu.pdf.
Analysis of the legislation of Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Russian Federation and Republic of Kazakhstan in the area of Labor Migration and recommendation for its improvement In English: http://www.anticorruption.kg/wp-content/uploads/2013-04-analiz-zakonov-v-sfere-migracii-eng.pdf.
Policies and Practices in IGC Participating States (2012) In English: here.
Public Foundation "Center of International Protection" within the framework of the project "Promotion of solutions to the problems of external labor migrants" with the financial support of ICCO & KerkinActie announces a vacancy for the position of: Project Coordinator In Russian: http://advocacy.kg/index.php/228-03-iyulya-2013-vakansiya-v-oshe.
NGO "Human Rights Movement: Bir Duino Kyrgyzstan" announces a competition for the position: expert on preparation of the analytical report on the results of monitoring the situation with the rights of migrant workers In Russian: https://www.facebook.com/bir.duinokyrgyzstan?fref=ts&ref=br_tf.
On the promotion of the rights of migrant workers and their families through 7th International Documentary Film Festival on Human Rights "Bir Duino Kyrgyzstan" In Russian: http://anticorruption.kg/wp-content/uploads/2013-06-o-prodvizhenii-prav-trudovyh-migrantov-cherez-bir-duino.pdf.