Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: August 10-16, 2012
Almaty toughens migration control In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/inworld/kazakhstan/society/9866369/.
Implementation of Employment Program discussed in Aktobe In Russian: http://www.inform.kz/rus/article/2486746.
In June average monthly salary equals to $704 in Kazakhstan In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:1038921/ or here.
Nearly 470 thousand unemployed Kazakhstanis registered in July In Russian: http://news.gazeta.kz/art.asp?aid=368288.
Astananians register Chinese at their residence for a fee of $33-66 In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:1038909/ or here. |
Mairambek Zhapanov: “World Congress of Kyrgyzstanis achieves its objectives” In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5474&Itemid=36.
Manual for labor migrants to be issued in Russian and Kyrgyz languages in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: http://www.news-asia.ru/view/ks/society/3359.
Flow of migrants from Kyrgyzstan to Russia increases dramatically in recent years In Russian: http://ktrk.kg/rus/index.php?newsid=7066.
Kyrgyz women living abroad, decide to fight against torture of mothers and children In Russian: http://www.24.kg/community/134731-kyrgyzstanki-prozhivayushhie-za-predelami-strany.html.
Almost half of Kyrgyz labor migrants settle down in Moscow In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0517/rossia01.php#17.
6 children of migrants brought to Kyrgyzstan from Russia In Russian: http://www.vb.kg/news/society/2012/08/16/196977_v_kyrgyzstan_dostavili_ shesteryh_detey_migrantov_iz_rossii_foto.html.
33 Kyrgyz citizens deported from Russia within 6 months in 2012 In Russian: http://www.regnum.ru/news/1560087.html.
8 Kyrgyz citizens caught in labor slavery in Kazakhstan return from Almaty In Russian: http://www.knews.kg/ru/society/20246/.
2452 new jobs created in Batken oblast in the first half of 2012 In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/regions/full/38740.
More than 12.5% of residents of Batken oblast left to work abroad In Russian: http://www.for.kg/news-181962-ru.html.
Daughter of immigrants from Kyrgyzstan receives Art-Smart award at the “Young Artists 2012” contest in Philadelphia (USA) In Russian: http://www.24.kg/community/134777-doch-vyxodcev-iz-kyrgyzstana-poluchila-premiyu.html.
Kyrgyz Club to organize Independence Day of Kyrgyzstan in New York In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:1039113/ or here. |
Coordination Committee on Migration to be established in Dushanbe In Russian: http://www.toptj.com/News/2012/08/15/v_dushanbe_sozdadut_koordinacionnyy_ komitet_po_voprosam_migracii.
Tajikistan to decide on fate of former compatriots who do not have citizenship of any CIS country
President signs decree to increase salaries, pensions and scholarships In Russian: http://www.avesta.tj/goverment/13623-prezident-podpisal-ukaz-o-povyshenii-zarabotnyh-plat-pensii-i-stipendiy.html.
Meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of South Korea In Russian: http://www.tajmigration.ru/news/vstrecha-s-poslom-respublika-yuzhnoi-korei.
Establishing and developing relations In Russian: http://www.tajmigration.ru/news/ustanovlenie-i-razvitie-otnoshenii.
About half a billion dollars of remittance sent to the north of Tajikistan in the first half of the year
Tajik migrants to have opportunity to learn Korean In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/tadzhikskim-migrantam-dadut-vozmozhnost-izuchit-koreiskii-yazyk.
About 20 thousand women leave Soghd for labor migration In Russian: http://www.toptj.com/News/2012/08/10/iz_sogdiyskoy_oblasti_v_trudovuyu_ migraciyu_vyekhali_okolo_20_tys_zhenshin.
More Tajik migrants legalized in Russia In Russian: http://mir24.tv/news/society/5282580. |
Uzbekistan restricts entry for foreigners who previously violated laws In Russian: http://www.avesta.tj/sociaty/13612-uzbekistan-ogranichivaet-vezd-proshtrafivshihsya-inostrancev.html.
Migrants from Uzbekistan to be imprisoned for two years for trespassing In Russian: http://tvoiomsk.ru/item.asp?id=6744.
New opportunities and benefits for small businesses and private entrepreneurship |
Moscow to cut quota for migrant workers in half in 2013 In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/inregions/moscow/90/economics/9936050/.
New Department fighting illegal migration to start its work in Moscow In Russian: http://top.rbc.ru/society/13/08/2012/664309.shtml.
Database on migrants’ state of health to be created in Moscow In Russian: http://www.migrant.ru/news.php?id=1406.
“Rossiyskaya Gazeta” to publish handbook for migrants In Russian: http://www.knews.kg/ru/society/20413/.
Russia expects culturally educated and qualified foreigners In Russian: http://www.ng.ru/economics/2012-08-10/4_migration.html.
Ombudsman Office on national issues to be established in the RF In Russian: http://finam.info/news/v-rf-poyavitsya-ombudsmen-po-natsionalnomu-voprosu/.
Quota for labor migrants is ineffective in its current state In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0517/rossia01.php#15.
Air agency cashier sells fake tickets to Gastarbeiter In Russian: http://www.toptj.com/News/2012/08/10/kassir_aviaagentstva_ prodavala_gastarbayteram_fal_shivye_bilety.
Presentation of consolidated immigration center in St. Petersburg held for representatives of the International Organization of Migration In Russian: http://www.migrant.ru/news.php?id=1403.
Migration Service in St. Petersburg and Leningrad oblast: Labor migrants must obtain medical insurance In Russian: http://www.regnum.ru/news/1561029.html.
Migration Service: 2800 foreigners denied entry to Russia in St. Petersburg in the last six months In Russian: http://www.regnum.ru/news/kirghizia/1561182.html.
Foreigners paid more than 25 million rubles of fines in Sakhalin in the last 7 months
About 250 illegal migrants expelled from Russia
Governor of St. Petersburg advised to deport migrants under the “Tolerance” program In Russian: http://www.newspb.ru/allnews/1561277/. |
Tajikistan and Belarus intend to sign agreement on migration In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/tadzhikistan-i-belarus-planiruyut-podpisat-soglasheniya-v-sfere-migratsii.
Compatriots Fund open to anyone who is in need of help In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5539&Itemid=36.
Former Soviet citizens can again count on facilitated procedure of obtaining Russian passports In Russian: http://www.rosbalt.ru/main/2012/08/16/1023253.html. |
International News
U.S. government launches new migration program for undocumented persons In Russian: http://www.baltinfo.ru/2012/08/15/V-SShA-nachala-deistvovat-novaya-migratcionnaya-programma-dlya-nelegalov-297942.
Simplification of visa regime between Russia and the U.S. In Russian: http://www.migrant.ru/news.php?id=1407. |
Visitors are warmly welcome, but expected to follow rules In Russian: http://www.vesti.uz/migration.
Russia has already made plans for migrants In Russian: http://www.centrasia.ru/news2.php?st=1345109220.
Language knowledge will get you a job In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5542&Itemid=35.
A. Tkachev to Kuban on migration: Our Monastery - our rules In Russian: http://spb.rbc.ru/topnews/13/08/2012/664245.shtml.
Russia fails to create a civilized labor market in the field of labor migration In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5503&Itemid=35.
Kyrgyzstan to create centers for testing of migrant workers In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5499&Itemid=35.
“The desire for the Russian language is fabulous” In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0517/gazeta011.php.
Russia turns to maternity clinic for Gastarbeiter In Russian: http://www.centrasia.ru/news2.php?st=1344928620.
Companies to be checked for illegal migrants due to unrest in Pobeda village of Leningrad oblast In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5487&Itemid=35.
Russia to put up with immigration when it renounces Orthodoxy In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5485&Itemid=35.
City authorities to send migrants home for health treatment In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5470&Itemid=35.
Fees for receipts/information In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5447&Itemid=35.
On proposal of K. Sharipova introducing visa regime between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation In Russian: http://www.toptj.com/News/2012/08/10/hokim_muhabbatov.
What is happening to my nation? It is dying before my eyes In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0517/gazeta016.php.
Gastarbeiter in organized employment In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0517/gazeta012.php. |
Labor Migration and Human Development - 2011 Annual Report In English: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=41_7&products_id=818.
Statistics of migration policy in the RF In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0517/biblio03.php.
Environmental degradation, migration, internal displacement, and rural vulnerabilities in Tajikistan In English: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=41_7&products_id=820.
The influence of working time arrangements on work-life integration or ‘balance’: a review of the international evidence, Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 32 In English: http://www.ilo.org/travail/whatwedo/publications/WCMS_187306/lang--en/index.htm or here.
Case studies of policy coherence initiatives in developing Asia In English: http://www.ilo.org/asia/whatwedo/publications/WCMS_187289/lang--en/index.htm. |
Call for participation in 2012 WAGDS and the 5th ChangPoGo International Conference. Topic: Sea Merchants of East Asia and the Global Diaspora Maritime Migratory Route In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0517/anons.php#1408124.
Call for participation in international conference on “Dynamics of marriage/divorce-related migration in Asia” In Russian: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2012/0517/anons.php#14081210. |