Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: December 12 - 25
Training seminar on social mobilization for the communities of internal migrants held in Osh In Russian: here.
President Sooronbai Jeenbekov turned to Kyrgyzstanis working abroad In Russian: here.
Issue of protecting migrants rights raised in parliament In Russian: https://rus.azattyk.org/a/28935915.html.
International Migrants Day In Russian: http://www.ktrk.kg/post/18109/en.
Problems and achievements in migration in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2017 discussed in AUCA In Russian: http://kabar.kg/news/v-autca-obsudili-problemy-i-dostizheniia-v-sfere-migratcii-v-kr-za-2017-god/.
"Call a migrant" action takes place in the south of Kyrgyzstan In Russian: http://kabar.kg/news/na-iuge-kyrgyzstana-proidet-aktciia-zvonok-migrantu/.
About 4,000 Kyrgyz citizens in South Korea, according to unofficial data In Russian: http://www.ktrk.kg/post/18110/en.
Russia may open joint ventures in Tajikistan to reduce number of migrants
"Asia-Plus" launched a special project for migrants In Russian: http://www.news.tj/en/news/tajikistan/society/20171218/aziya-plyus-zapustila-spetsialnii-proekt-dlya-migrantov.
Remittances from Russian Federation to Uzbekistan in 3Q make up $ 780 million In Russian: http://www.uzdaily.uz/articles-id-35407.htm.
Senate of Uzbekistan welcomes agreement on employment in Russia
Law on sociocultural adaptation of migrants may adopt in Russia In Russian: https://www.ritmeurasia.org/news--2017-12-13--v-rossii-mogut-prinjat-zakon-o-sociokulturnoj-adaptacii-migrantov-34021.
Global Migration Film Festival to Conclude with Award Ceremony on International Migrants Day In English: https://www.iom.int/news/global-migration-film-festival-conclude-award-ceremony-international-migrants-day.
Germany, UN Migration Agency Launch First Global Migration Data Portal In English: https://www.iom.int/news/germany-un-migration-agency-launch-first-global-migration-data-portal.
Our Right of Passage Should be Safe Migration, Not Leaky Boats In English: https://www.iom.int/news/our-right-passage-should-be-safe-migration-not-leaky-boats.
In February, UN launches intergovernmental negotiations on the Global Compact on Migration In Russian: http://www.unmultimedia.org/radio/english/archives/261580/#.Wj__w9Jl_IU.
UN urges international cooperation to make migration safer in a world on the move In English: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=58303#.WkACgdJl_IU.
Migrants who want to be heard speak of common values for us In Russian: here.
IOM, OSCE Discuss Perceptions and Realities of Migration on International Migrants Day In English: https://www.iom.int/news/iom-osce-discuss-perceptions-and-realities-migration-international-migrants-day.
UN Migration Agency Supports Organization of American States’ Media Campaign, Migrants Count In English: https://www.iom.int/news/un-migration-agency-supports-organization-american-states-media-campaign-migrants-count.
IOM’s Non-profit in the United States Relaunches as ‘USA for IOM’ In English: https://www.iom.int/news/ioms-non-profit-united-states-relaunches-usa-iom.
"Stay here for now." Why migrants leave children in shelters In Russian: https://eng.azattyk.org/a/28919566.html.
Are migrants ready to act as investors?
Labor migration: where and why are they traveling? In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/news/iatc-kabar-trudovaia-migratciia-kuda-i-zachem-edut/.
Whom is easier to work in Russia? Migration from Central Asia In Russian: http://kabar.kg/news/komu-na-rusi-rabotat-proshche-migratciia-iz-tcentral-noi-azii/.
IOM Launches MigApp on International Migrants Day In English: https://www.iom.int/news/iom-launches-migapp-international-migrants-day.