Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: August 3-9, 2012
Astana among top three capitals of CIS countries regarding salary level In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:1038557/ or here.
Prosecutor's Office of South Kazakhstan oblast to check work of Migration Police In Russian: http://news.gazeta.kz/art.asp?aid=367632.
Atyrau oblast registers lowest unemployment in the country In Russian: http://inform.kz/rus/article/2484592.
About 500 residents of Akmola oblast get employed through Employment Program In Russian: http://www.inform.kz/rus/article/2485672. |
Next forum of compatriots “Mekendeshter” to be held in 2014 In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:1037651/ or here.
Government proposes to simplify assigning ‘kairylman’ status to ethnic Kyrgyz people In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:1038021/ or here.
Students’ admission to universities to be based on planning and forecasting of labor market in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/society/full/38100.
Members of the First World Congress of Kyrgyz people and Compatriots urge to join efforts to implement the goals and objectives of the Congress In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/society/full/38286.
"Mekendeshter" Forum identifies main problems of Kyrgyzstan’s economy
Monthly salary increases by 182 som in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: http://www.vb.kg/news/economy/2012/08/08/196449_za_mesiac_ zarplaty_kyrgyzstancev_vyrosli_na_182_soma.html.
Otunbayeva on two forums of compatriots: No one is willing to share In Russian: http://www.ca-news.org/news:1037541/ or here.
Kubanychbek Isabekov: “We have no state policy to protect labor migrants’ rights” In Russian: http://www.knews.kg/ru/society/19705/.
Jamilahan Begieva: “We should prevent Kyrgyzstan of becoming professions provider of loaders and washerwomen” In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/33/39130/59.py.
Munara Toktomushova: “Government should provide moral and legal support to solve problems of migrants abroad” In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/society/full/38446.
Compatriot from Tyumen (Russia) intends to invest two million dollars in development projects in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/society/full/38442.
Compatriot-entrepreneurs intend to open a laboratory for export of local organic products in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/economics/full/38088.
Compatriot in Turkey proposes to develop a project to teach their mother tongue to Kyrgyz children living abroad In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/society/full/38118.
Human resources become more expensive in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: http://www.kginform.com/ru/news/20120807/12100.html.
"Kyrgyzstan" Business Forum to be held in Istanbul on August 24-26 In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/society/full/38080.
Compatriot from Kazakhstan offers to open KG House abroad In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/society/full/38134. |
Young highly qualified specialists In Russian: http://www.jahonnews.uz/rus/rubriki/ekonomika/molodie_ visokokvalifiirovannie_kadri1.mgr.
Efforts to support entrepreneurship In Russian: http://uza.uz/ru/business/20243/.
Mukhlisa gets a job In Russian: http://uza.uz/ru/society/20230/.
Adygei stops activity of illegal migrants from Uzbekistan In Russian: http://01.mvd.ru/news/vnim/292281/. |
FMS: Punishment for foreign nationals violating immigration laws to be toughened In Russian: http://er.ru/news/2012/8/3/v-fms-rasschityvayut-chto-migracionnoe-zakonodatelstvo-budet-uzhestocheno-do-konca-goda/.
D. Medvedev: We should not be afraid of migrants, we should control them In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/medvedev-migrantov-ne-nado-boyatsya-imi-nado-upravlyat.
FMS: No amnesty for illegal migrants In Russian: http://www.migrocenter.org/news/1344062691/.
5 years in prison for organizing illegal migration In Russian: http://www.dp.ru/a/2012/08/08/Organizatorov_nezakonnoj/.
Medvedev called the formation of enclaves in Russia unacceptable In Russian: http://mir24.tv/news/society/5338472.
Ministry of Education and Science introduces amendments in procedures of school admission for 'locals' and migrants
Russia receives eight million migrants In Russian: http://briansk.ru/world/v-rossiu-priehali-8-millionov-migrantov.201289.281055.html.
More than 37,500 migrants banned from entry into Russia in last six months
Foreign nationals are banned from selling in the streets – Smolny In Russian: http://www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1558908.html.
Number of migrants wishing to work in the Southern Ural grows In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5413&Itemid=35.
Governor of Stavropol does not want to “filter” migrants and “squeeze them out” In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5438&Itemid=35.
New Friendship Park of CIS Population in Moscow oblast In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/v-moskovskoi-oblasti-poyavitsya-park-druzhby-narodov-sng. |
Assistance center for labor migrants from Central Asia opens in St. Petersburg In Russian: http://www.newspb.ru/allnews/1558561/.
The Economist Intelligence Unit: Remittances to former Soviet states begin to decline In English: http://country.eiu.com/article.aspx?articleid=1039177488&Country=Kyrgyz%20Republic&topic=Economy. |
International News
France and Germany in the lead among the EU countries regarding number of asylum seekers In Russian: http://news.mail.ru/politics/9813701/. |
Does the current generation of migrants have a future? In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5368&Itemid=35.
All nations are equal. But not all are suspicious In Russian: http://wordyou.ru/v-rossii/vse-nacii-ravny-no-ne-vse-podozritelny.html.
"Mekendeshter" forum does not reveal the phenomenon of migration In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/content/kyrgyzstan_forum_compatriots/24665917.html.
Migration laws can be copied from other countries In Russian: http://spb.rbc.ru/daily/07/08/2012/663402.shtml.
Kyrgyz migrants: Kyrgyz citizens abroad often disappear without a trace and are found in prisons In Russian: http://www.zpress.kg/news/news_only/10/39110/616.py.
Alexander Tkachev: “To fight Cossack troops with illegal migrants” In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5372&Itemid=35.
Opportunity for migrants – alliance of Kazan and Kant In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5349&Itemid=35.
Mekendeshter Forum: First, there was a word In Russian: http://www.24.kg/community/134386-forum-laquomekendeshterraquo-snachala-bylo-slovo.html.
Migrant workers often suffer from dishonest employers and officials – declare participants of meeting in Krasnodar In Russian: http://www.kavkaz-uzel.ru/articles/210665/.
Situation with illegal migration in Primorye is under control In Russian: http://www.kginfo.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5428&Itemid=35.
G. Faskhutdinov: How Tajikistan trains for Russian language test In Russian: http://www.centrasia.ru/news2.php?st=1344327540. |
“Migration policy in CIS countries: needs and alternatives”, P. Kazmarkevich, Open Society Foundation, 2011 In Russian: http://lgi.osi.hu/cimg/0/1/4/1/8/Migratsionnaja_politika_v_stranah_ SNG_poterbnosti_i_alternativy_2.pdf.
“We are in Russia”, IOM, 2012 In Russian: http://moscow.iom.int/russian/publications/Info-Centre_leaflets/Journal_man.pdf.
International Migration, Vol. 50 (4) 2012 In English: http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=6&products_id=817. |
Seminar of IOM World Migration Report 2011 In English: http://www.iom.int/jahia/Jahia/events/eventAS/cache/offonce?entryId=32092. |