Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: February 11-17, 2012
Kazakhstan's President approves amendments to Labor Code
Number of emigrants from Kazakhstan in 2011 increases by 22.8%
After 2020 Kazakhstan may face deficit of employable citizens |
Videoconference on migration issues with Russia to be held in Kyrgyz capital
Registration duration for Kyrgyz citizens in diplomatic mission abroad increases up to 15 days
Training within Russian project concludes
“Ak Bata”: Parliament has not yet developed a basic concept of migration in the country
The first world forum of Kyrgyz Diasporas abroad to be held in New-York city In English: http://eng.24.kg/community/2012/02/14/22923.html.
Jenishbek Mukambetov: “Migrants will be able to send fees to recover pensionable service record through Unistream money transfer system
Kyrgyz citizens take 7th place on number of Gastarbeiter in Russia
Preventive check-up of workers at big markets and residents of new settlements to be held in Capital of Kyrgyzstan
New Chair of Kyrgyz Diaspora elected in Russia’s Irkutsk
“Mekendesh” concludes results of its work in Dushanbe |
Uzbek “Adolat” opens its office in Vladivistok
Saratovians like Uzbek bread ‘lepeshka’ made in ‘tandoor’
Uzbekistan is better recognized on Volga riverside |
Russian pension for foreign workers
Migrant is relieved from collecting extra ‘papers’
FMS Director K. Romodanovsky supports toughening criminal law and tests in Russian language and literature
Romodanovsky plans to solve ‘rubber’ flats
FMS: Number of Gastarbeiter speaking Russian is reducing
Moscow may hold vacancy fairs for legal Gastarbeiter
Migration quota in Moscow cut four times since 2008
Raids for illegal migrants start in Russia
Novosibirsk enters its stake on educated repatriates
“Maternal houses do millions of abortions a year!” |
Remittances from Russia to Central Asian countries increased by 29% in 2011
250 thousand migrant-sweepers to be untenanted out of Moscow basements
Migrants in Ivanovo baked bread without gloves and pinafores |
“"Action": Publishing Research Results in Film” by Susan Thieme, in Forum: Qualitative Social Research, Volume 13, No. 1, Art. 31, January 2012
“Coming Home? Patterns and Characteristics of Return Migration in Kyrgyzstan” by Susan Thieme, in “International Migration”, IOM Publications, Early view. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2435.2011.00724.x |
Call for Papers: special issue on Gender, Religion and Migration In English: http://www.religionandgender.org/index.php/rg/announcement/view/14. |