Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: January 09 - 22
NSDP urged to cancel the amendments to migration legislation In Russian: http://rus.azattyq.org/a/28225098.html.
More than 2,400 people received temporary registration in Astana for the weekend In Russian: https://vlast.kz/novosti/21188-bolee-2400-celovek-polucili-v-astane-vremennuu-registraciu-za-vyhodnye.html.
Provision of medical care to foreigners explained to the city health department in Astana In Russian: http://www.inform.kz/ru/okazanie-medpomoschi-inostrancam-raz-yasnili-v-gorzdrave-astany_a2990113.
Migrant workers paid 151 million tenge for taxes to the budget of Kyzylorda In Russian: http://www.inform.kz/ru/trudovye-migranty-zaplatili-151-mln-tenge-nalogov-v-byudzhet-kyzylordy_a2990088.
On the current workload of PSCs in Almaty and Astana can now be found online In Russian: https://vlast.kz/novosti/21338-o-tekusej-zagruzennosti-conov-v-almaty-i-astane-teper-mozno-uznat-cerez-internet.html.
Head of Social Fund: "Issue of pensions payment to migrants to be resolved soon" In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/news/glava-sotcfonda-vopros-vyplaty-pensii-migrantam-budet-skoro-reshen/.
Health Ministry official blamed migrants from Kyrgyzstan in the spread of AIDS In Russian: here.
Families of migrants from the Kyrgyz Republic may be left without health insurance in Russia In Russian: here.
Kyrgyz citizens can go to work in South Korea again In Russian: here.
KR Embassy in Russia warns migrants on the frequent facts of documents forgery In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/a/28232869.html.
Foreigners in Kyrgyzstan can receive a temporary registration online In Russian: here.
Inflow of remittances increased by 1.4 times in November In Russian: https://www.akchabar.kg/news/pritok-denezhnyh-perevodov-v-noyabre-vyros-v-15-raza/.
Chairman of the State Migration Service discussed prospects for further cooperation with UNDP expert
In the Kyrgyz Republic complain on the lack of unified list of documents required for foreigners In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/news/v-kr-zhaluiutsia-na-otsutstvie-edinogo-perechnia-dokumentov-neobkhodimykh-dlia-inostrantcev/.
Kyrgyz woman fighting for the right to decide the fate of migrants in Germany In Russian: here.
Khujand authorities note decrease in traveling to labor migration In Russian: http://avesta.tj/2017/01/10/vlasti-hudzhanda-otmechayut-snizhenie-kolichestva-vyezzhayushhih-v-trudovuyu-migratsiyu/.
Labor migration negatively affected the situation of children in Tajikistan In Russian: http://rus.ozodi.org/a/28249620.html.
Last year, 11 thousand foreigners officially worked in Tajikistan
Ministry of Labor: in 2016 half a million people left to labor migration In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/tajikistan/society/20170119/mintruda-o-migrantah-menshe-uezzhayut-bolshe-vozvratshayutsya.
Jobs search national portal created in Uzbekistan In Russian: http://www.easttime.ru/news/uzbekistan/v-uzbekistane-sozdali-natsionalnyi-portal-poiska-rabochikh-mest/12623.
Last year more than 168,000 people left Uzbekistan In Russian: http://podrobno.uz/cat/obchestvo/v-proshlom-godu-iz-uzbekistana-vyekhalo-svyshe-168-tysyach-chelovek/.
Uzbekistan plans to abolish exit visas and introduce external passports In Russian: https://regnum.ru/news/polit/2229214.html.
Unemployment and migration in Uzbekistan in 2016 In Russian: http://www.easttime.ru/news/uzbekistan/bezrabotitsa-i-migratsiya-v-uzbekistane-v-2016-godu/12656.
In Moscow started to provide certificate on Russian language for registration of temporary and permanent residence in Russia
Migrants hamper the economy, according to the Russian government In Russian: http://knews.kg/2017/01/migranty-tormozyat-ekonomiku-schitayut-v-pravitelstve-rossii/.
ILO, Russia renew cooperation on skills and G20 Training Strategy In English: http://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_541904/lang--en/index.htm.
Over half a million people visited Moscow migration center in 2016 In Russian: http://mc.mos.ru/presscenter/news/detail/4699172.html
CSTO highlighted threats posed by illegal migration In Russian: http://www.ritmeurasia.org/news--2017-01-18--v-odkb-ukazali-na-ugrozy-svjazannye-s-nelegalnoj-migraciej-27914.
UN agencies, partners launch new plan to address plight of refugees and migrants in Europe In English: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=56001#.WI295dKLTIU.
ILO: Global unemployment expected to rise by 3.4 million in 2017 In English: http://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_541128/lang--en/index.htm.
Migrant crisis: Germany sees massive drop in asylum seekers In English: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38584705.
Why creating committee of Migration Service? In Russian: http://rus.azattyq.org/a/azattyqlive-migracia-reorganizacia/28225348.html.
Unemployment in Tajikistan. Europe, Envy? In Russian: http://rus.ozodi.org/a/28234148.html.
Migration will go to offset In Russian: https://rg.ru/2017/01/12/trudovye-migranty-iz-kirgizii-poluchat-pensii-za-rabotu-v-rossii.html.
Problems of internal migration regulation in the Kyrgyz Republic In Russian: http://polit-asia.kz/index.php/analytics/1939.
Country of illiterate migrants In Russian: https://svpressa.ru/economy/article/164161/.
Social activists see only one way to change the situation with a temporary registration
Almaty - for education, for a career, and get married ... In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/a/28243810.html.
Tajikistan seeks for alternative routes for labor migration In Russian: http://rus.ozodi.org/a/28244045.html.
Moscow fairytale comics to help migrants 'behave' In English: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38641117.
What is happening to migrant workers in Kazakhstan In Russian: https://www.caravan.kz/gazeta/chto-proiskhodit-s-trudovymi-migrantami-v-kazakhstane-388901/.
New Issue of ILO Moscow Newsletter Released In English: http://www.ilo.org/moscow/news/WCMS_541415/lang--en/index.htm.