Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: Осtober 17 -30, 2016
Number of foreigners in Almaty increased by almost 20% In Russian: here.
Preferences of EAEU in migration discussed in Astana In Russian: http://ru.sputniknews.kz/press_center/20161028/905311/preferencii-eaehs-v-sfere-migracii-obsudili-v-astane.html.
An agreement was reached on granting EEC observer status in the International Organization for Migration reached In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/EAES/full/112584.
Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan signed an agreement on the fight against illegal migration In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/a/28070138.html.
At a meeting of KR Parliament approved agreement on the presence in the RF of Kyrgyz citizens without registration for 30 days In Russian: http://www.kginform.com/ru/news/20161017/26289.html.
Kyrgyz citizens occupy 15% of the tot al number of foreigners arriving in Moscow In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/a/28064428.html.
Revealed 56,462 children are left by external migrants In Russian: here.
Deputy offered to oblige migrants to educate their children In Russian: http://kloop.kg/blog/2016/10/19/deputat-predlozhila-obyazat-migrantov-samim-vospityvat-svoih-detej/.
State Service for Migration creates conditions for legal employment in Russia, UAE, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Korea In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/society/full/113005.
Department of Consular Service explained law on foreign migration for organizations working with foreign citizens In Russian: here.
Problems of Kyrgyz migrants in EAEU countries discussed in Moscow In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/a/28082000.html
Tajiks on the 2 place among visitors to Moscow In Russian: http://ru.sputnik-tj.com/migration/20161019/1020899806.html.
Moskalkova: Migrants bring Tajikistan second budget of country In Russian: http://ru.sputnik-tj.com/migration/20161021/1020920999.html.
Migration Service employed more than 2 thousand "violators"
Main thing to be able to: Tajik migrants without special education to be issued certificates In Russian: http://ru.sputnik-tj.com/country/20161027/1020958478/migranti-obrazovanie.html.
Ombudsmen of RF and Uzbekistan to prepare a report on the migrants' rights protection
Uzbekistan accepted employment program for 2017 In Russian: http://www.uzdaily.uz/articles-id-30291.htm.
Uzbekistan ratified the ILO Convention In Russian: http://www.easttime.ru/news/uzbekistan/v-uzbekistane-ratifitsirovali-konventsiyu-mot/12227.
Heads of the Russian MIA regional units for Migration issues visited Moscow migration center In Russian: http://mc.mos.ru/presscenter/news/detail/3983389.html.
Moskalkova: transfers from migrants in Armenia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are equal to their national budget
Russia needs not less than 300 thousand migrants a year - Ministry of Economic Development
MIA: 70% of foreign nationals arrived in Moscow to work In Russian: https://rg.ru/2016/10/19/reg-cfo/mvd-v-moskve-prozhivaet-bolee-1-milliona-migrantov.html.
Russia's population has grown mainly due to migrants In Russian: http://catoday.org/centrasia/29780-naselenie-rossii-vyroslo-v-osnovnom-za-schet-migrantov.html.
Sergey Ponomarev: Income of migrants in Russia increased In Russian: http://www.stanradar.com/news/full/22631-sergej-ponomarev-dohody-migrantov-v-rossii-uvelichilis.html.
Cost of a patent for migrants in Moscow in 2017 will not change In Russian: http://ru.sputniknews-uz.com/migration/20161025/3966287/patent-migranty-Moskva-2017.html.
Moscow can spend 7.3 million Rubles for training manual on the migrant’s behavior In Russian: https://ria.ru/moscow/20161026/1480082454.html.
Migration in Europe: who comes and who leaves home In Russian: http://www.kp.kg/radio/26600.4/3615543/.
Migrants are good for advanced economies, says the IMF In English: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/10/migrants-are-good-for-advanced-economies-says-the-imf.
Uzbek migrant workers: long road home In Russian: http://ru.sputniknews-uz.com/migration/20161019/3928518/migrant-rabota-Uzbekistan.html.
Nasik Beishenaly: Problems of migration flows regulation in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: http://cabar.asia/ru/nazik-bejshenaly-problemy-regulirovaniya-migratsionnyh-potokov-v-kyrgyzstane/.
On the peculiarities of foreign workers employment in Korea In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/MID/full/112955.
Jobs in Turkey: Expectations and Reality In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/society/full/112925.
Olga Simakova: What does the balance of migration in Kazakhstan say? In Russian: http://cabar.asia/ru/olga-simakova-o-chem-govorit-saldo-migratsii-v-kazahstane-2/.
"Remittances increase due to the improvement of working conditions of Kyrgyz migrants in the EAEU"
Crisis and the sanctions are not an obstacle: Russians do not want to leave the country In Russian: http://www.pravda.ru/news/society/26-10-2016/1316734-migration-0/.
New issue of “Your right. Migration” № 21/22, November 2016 In Russian: here.
Five point guide for migration reporting In Russian: http://advocacy.kg/index.php/3680-infografika-5-punktov-kotorym-nado-priderzhivatsya-pri-osveshchenii-tem-migratsii.
MISSION OF THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION (IOM) IN THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC has announced a paid internship among students In English: http://iom.kg/en/?p=1046.
Vacancy: Project Assistant in Osh (IOM) In English: http://iom.kg/en/?p=1056.
2016 Global Media Competition on “Breaking Stereotypes on Labour Migration” In English: http://www.ilo.org/global/topics/labour-migration/news-statements/WCMS_522341/lang--en/index.htm.