Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: June 10 -23
Migration outflow of Kazakhstan population increased by 22% in the first quarter In Russian: https://regnum.ru/news/society/2651972.htm.
Ministry of Internal Affairs offers simplify procedure for migrant workers on medical certificates receipt In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/ru/uprostit-proceduru-polucheniya-medspravok-dlya-trudovyh-migrantov-predlagayut-v-mvd_a354000.
State Migration Service proposes deny for refugee status claim from convicts and persons voluntarily travelled to another country
Labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan to receive pensions in Russia In Russian: here.
Under the guise of employment, private companies are engaged in illegal migration to the Kyrgyz Republic In Russian: here.
How many children in Kyrgyzstan have at least one parent abroad?
Migrants remitted $ 740.5 million to Kyrgyzstan in four months of 2019 In Russian: here.
Conference on migration processes status in the town held in the Osh city hall
Tajikistan and Russia noted the need to coordinate action on migrant workers In Russian: http://avesta.tj/2019/06/20/tadzhikistan-i-rossiya-otmetili-neobhodimost-koordinatsii-dejstvij-po-trudovym-migrantam.
Remittances from Russia to Tajikistan decreased by 5.1% In Russian: http://avesta.tj/2019/06/18/obem-denezhnyh-perevodov-iz-rossii-v-tadzhikistan-sokratilsya-na-5-1.
Uzbekistan asks Russia to extend registration of migrants In Russian: https://podrobno.uz/cat/obchestvo/uzbekistan-prosit-rossiyu-prodlit-srok-registratsii-migrantov.
How does the new testing system of Uzbek migrants traveling to South Korea work? Details In Russian: https://podrobno.uz/cat/obchestvo/kak-rabotaet-novaya-sistema-testirovaniya-uzbekskikh.
How much money do Uzbeks send from Russia to their homeland? In Russian: http://www.stanradar.com/news/full/34973-skolko-deneg-otpravljajut-uzbekistantsy-iz-rossii-na-rodinu.htm.
Every year more than 2 million migrants from Uzbekistan leave for Russia, we must strive to make this whole stream organized - minister In Russian: https://podrobno.uz/cat/uzbekistan-i-rossiya-dialog-partnerov-/ezhegodno-v-rossiyu-vyezzhaet-svyshe-2-mln-migrantov-i.
To take migrants in Russia out of the shadows In Russian: https://eabr.org/press/news/migrantov-v-rossii-vyvedut-iz-teni/.
International News
At UN Headquarters, IOM hails the contributions of migrants to sustainable development through remittances In English: https://www.iom.int/news/un-headquarters-iom-hails-contributions-migrants-sustainable-development-through-remittance.
How mobile phones radically changed migration processes of Kyrgyzstanis
Volunteer lawyers from Central Asia help labor migrants in Moscow
"They are leaving for a decent quality of life": migration in the post-Soviet space
Assistance to migrants and protection from forced labor. What does the Ministry of Labor prepare for the Uzbeks? In Russian: https://podrobno.uz/cat/obchestvo/pomoshch-migrantam-i-zashchita-ot-prinuditelnogo-truda-/?sphrase_id=45613.
We are going to the East. What attracts Tajik labor migrants in South Korea?
Migrants do not turn from the road In Russian: https://eabr.org/press/news/migranty-s-dorogi-ne-svernut/.
Kyrgyzstan to host training summer camps for migrant activists In Russian: http://roza.kg/2019/06/11/v-kyrgyzstane-proydut-obuchayuschie-letnie-lagerya-dlya-migrantov-aktivisto.