Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: January 25 - February 07, 2016
UN counted 3.5 million migrants in Kazakhstan In Russian: http://tengrinews.kz/kazakhstan_news/oon-naschitala-v-kazahstane-35-milliona-migrantov-288462/.
There is no Chinatown in Kazakhstan - expert In Russian: http://tengrinews.kz/kazakhstan_news/v-kazahstane-net-chaynataunov-ekspert-288413/.
China is forced to deliver their workers to Kazakhstan - expert In Russian: http://tengrinews.kz/kazakhstan_news/kitay-vyinujden-postavlyat-svoih-rabochih-kazahstan-ekspert-288408/.
Migration code can appear in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: here.
Representative office of the KR State Service on migration opened in Moscow In Russian: here.
IOM mission in Kyrgyzstan met with the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of KR In Russian: http://iom.kg/?p=1741.
Nurdin Tynaev: Migration policy in Kyrgyzstan ruined In Russian: here.
Remittances of migrant workers make up 32% of the GDP of Kyrgyzstan In Russian: http://www.ritmeurasia.org/news--2016-01-27--perevody-trudovyh-migrantov-sostavljajut-do-32-vvp-kirgizii-21588.
Income from migrant workers dropped by 37 % In Russian: here.
SRS: more than 2 thousand people abandoned the Kyrgyz Republic citizenship in 2015 In Russian: here.
National Diasporas in Russia interested in an illegal situation of migrant workers
Structural unit to control the observance of the rights and freedoms of migrants can appear at Ombudsman Office of the Kyrgyz Republic In Russian: here.
Migration Service: There is a strong tendency to reduce the number of citizens who have denies for entry to Russia In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/rus/society/full/101675.
Annual outflow of Kyrgyz citizens abroad is on average 50 thousand people In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/content/news/27529251.html.
76 thousand Kyrgyzstani removed from the black list of FMS in 2015 In Russian: here.
Migration Service: 169 refugees in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: here.
Labor migration: how many Kyrgyz citizens died abroad?
Migration Tajik authorities intend to sign a cooperation agreement with the Red Cross
Tajikistan and Korea discussed the prospects of cooperation in the field of labor migration In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/node/221151.
Volume of remittances to Tajikistan in dollars fell by 33.3% In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/obem-denezhnykh-perevodov-v-tadzhikistane-v-dollarakh-snizilsya-na-333.
Number of Tajik citizens in Russia for the year fell by almost 14% In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/chislennost-tadzhikskikh-grazhdan-v-rossii-za-god-sokratilas-pochti-na-14.
Remittances sent in rubles in Tajikistan to be issued in Somoni In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/news/v-tadzhikistane-perevody-otpravlennye-v-rublyakh-budut-vydavat-v-somoni.
Ministry of Economic Development supports the new rules for granting transfers coming in rubles
NBT: Russian money transfer system in respect of Tajikistan work as usual
Up to $ 50 million may not get Tajik families whose main income is remittances
9 thousand people left from only one oblast of Tajikistan to Russia in 2016 In Russian: http://regnum.ru/news/society/2072473.html.
Moscow and Tashkent are preparing an intergovernmental agreement on organized recruitment of Uzbek for work in Russia
Uzbekistan's Foreign Ministry clarified the procedure of passports exchange for those who left for permanent residence In Russian: http://ru.sputniknews-uz.com/society/20160205/1709707.html.
Largest immigration center in country opened in Moscow In Russian: https://www.mos.ru/news/item/6513073.
Sobyanin: sale of patents to migrants bring the budget more revenue than oil companies In Russian: http://tass.ru/moskva/2624123.
The Programme of Cooperation between Russia and the International Labor Organization May be Extended In English: http://www.ilo.org/moscow/news/WCMS_445910/lang--en/index.htm.
Migrants in St. Petersburg are less for 500 thousand In Russian: here.
Calls to CIS countries declined sharply In Russian: http://www.vedomosti.ru/technology/articles/2016/02/01/626195-zvonki-strani-sng-rezko-sokratilis.
Restaurants and shops for migrants in Moscow: "Still necessary to calculate" In Russian: http://regnum.ru/news/society/2070027.html.
Number of illegal migrants from North Korea in Russia will decrease In Russian: http://regnum.ru/news/polit/2070660.html.
A growing number of people in Russia who are trying to find a job in Moscow In Russian: http://regnum.ru/news/society/2068741.html.
Kyrgyz displaced Uzbeks in the labor market of EEU In Russian: http://www.ritmeurasia.org/news--2016-01-25--na-rynke-truda-eaes-kirgizy-vytesnjajut-uzbekov-21543.
CSTO representatives to discuss the issues of fight against migration at a meeting in Minsk
International News
Labor and Employment Ministers of the BRICS countries adopted a joint declaration In English: http://www.ilo.org/moscow/news/WCMS_446543/lang--en/index.htm.
UN: Number of women and children among the migrants in Europe for the first time exceeded the number of men In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/content/news/27529377.html.
Remittances from migrants avoid extreme poverty
What if you are in the "black list" of migrants? In Russian: http://camplatform.org/newsroom/item/522-chto-delat-esli-vy-popali-v-chernyj-spisok-migrantov.
Arkady Gladilov: Our migrants are treated as cash cows In Russian: here.
Labor migration - stop, or support?
If tomorrow migrants stop sending money, there will be a social explosion
Every tenth Kyrgyzstani working in Russia In Russian: http://www.stanradar.com/news/full/19561-kazhdyj-desjatyj-kyrgyzstanets-truditsja-v-rossii.html.
Who replace those labor migrants who left the Russia? In Russian: http://www.vedomosti.ru/management/articles/2016/01/28/625768-kto-zamenit-uehavshih-rossii-trudovih-migrantov.
Fund assistance to labor migrants from Central Asia in St. Petersburg closed In Russian: http://news.tj/ru/news/v-peterburge-zakryvaetsya-fond-pomoshchi-trudovym-migrantam-iz-srednei-azii.
Sheradil Baktygulov: "The lack of information gives rise to stereotypes on migrants" In Russian: http://regnum.ru/news/society/2067725.html.
The quotas for foreign workers was cut by a third In Russian: http://izvestia.ru/news/603300.
Tajik migrant workers brought in less money from Russia In Russian: here.
"Black list": Migrants from the regions were left without help after the merger of ministries In Russian: http://kloop.kg/blog/2016/01/28/chernyj-spisok-migranty-iz-oblastej-ostalis-bez-pomoshhi-posle-sliyaniya-ministerstv/.
Current situation with the Russian living in Korea In Russian: here.
"Kyrgyz people in Dubai not engaged in dirty work" In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/content/article/27529158.html.
Fire in Moscow as an occasion to reflect on the solution of migration problems In Russian: http://rus.azattyk.org/content/article/27526899.html.
Is Tajikistan waiting for the sunset of labor migration? In Russian: here.
Lending migrants: no escape from fate, and more from debts In Russian: http://www.fergananews.com/articles/8851.
Migration from Central Asia in the twentieth century: the lessons for tomorrow In Russian: http://www.news.tj/ru/node/221316.
Expert: Russia should introduce visas for migrant workers In Russian: http://ru.sputniknews-uz.com/analytics/20160201/1676672.html.
Authorities: Labor migration from Central Asia - a potential channel of penetration of terrorists to Russia In Russian: http://rugrad.eu/news/842542/?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed.
New Issue of “Your Right. Migration” № 3, February 2016 In Russian: here.
The economic situation in Russia and its impact on migration in the Kyrgyz Republic In Russian: http://www.nisi.kg/ru-researchesinkg-1465.
Labor migration and labor-intensive sectors in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan: opportunities for human development in Central Asia In Russian: here.
Head of Migration Programs, Moscow In Russian: https://www.icrc.org/ru/who-we-are/jobs/opportunity/rukovoditel-programm-po-migracii-g-moskva.