Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: February 24 - March 08
Migration outflow from Kazakhstan remains the largest in EAEU In Russian: https://www.ritmeurasia.org/news--2020-02-28--migracionnyj-ottok-iz-kazahstana-ostaetsja-naibolshim-v-eaes-47740.
What restrictions on foreign labor to introduce in Kazakhstan? In Russian: https://tengrinews.kz/kazakhstan_news/kakie-ogranicheniya-inostrannoy-rabochey-sile-vvedut-392719/.
What is the difference between foreign labor and migrant workers? In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/ru/v-chem-otlichie-mezhdu-inostrannoy-rabochey-siloy-i-trudovymi-migrantami_a3618446.
From which countries do migrant workers come to Kazakhstan In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/ru/iz-kakih-stran-pribyvayut-rabochie-migranty-v-kazahstan_a3618394.
Kyrgyzstan can use CIS Migration Code In Russian: here.
Kyrgyzstan together with the CIS countries to take care of employment In Russian: here.
Issues of cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and IOM discussed in Bishkek In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/news/v-bishkeke-obsuzhdeny-voprosy-sotrudnichestva-kyrgyzstan-s-mom/.
Draft concept of migration policy 2030 submitted for public discussion In Russian: https://rus.azattyk.org/a/30452673.html.
Embassy of Kyrgyzstan to strengthen compatriots support in the Russian Federation In Russian: here.
Sooronbai Jeenbekov spoke about improving conditions for migrants in Russia In Russian: here.
Aigul Ryskulova: Migrants should also be taken care of by their countries of origin In Russian: here.
JK Member proposes to oblige labor migrants from neighboring countries acquire a patent In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/news/deputat-predlagaet-obiazat-trudovykh-migrantov-iz-sosednikh-stran-priobretat-patent/.
Problems of women migrants from Kyrgyzstan discussed In Yekaterinburg In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/news/v-ekaterinburge-obsudili-problemy-zhenshchin-migrantov-iz-kyrgyzstan/.
Ambassador Alikbek Dzhekshenkulov stands for special status for some migrants In Russian: here.
Putin instructed to update labor migration mechanisms In Russian: https://vz.ru/news/2020/3/7/1027687.html.
Flows of legal labor migration increase in the EAEU In Russian: http://www.eurasiancommission.org/ru/nae/news/Pages/06-03-2020.aspx.
More than 13,000 Migrants Reported Along the Turkish-Greek Border In English: https://www.iom.int/news/more-13000-migrants-reported-along-turkish-greek-borde.
Migration losses of Kazakhstan: there's a lot to think through In Russian: https://www.ritmeurasia.org/news--2020-03-07--migracionnye-poteri-kazahstana-est-nad-chem-zadumatsja-47866.
Kyrgyz women abandoning children in migration, more and more accused for trafficking In Russian: https://rus.azattyk.org/a/prodaja-detey-kyrgyzstankami-v-migratcii/30459061.html.
Home by international passport. Decision of Cabinet of Ministers worries migrants In Russian: https://rus.azattyk.org/a/kyrgyzstan-border-id-card-coronavirus/30465774.html.
Kyrgyz Republic plans to approve Concept of migration policy for 2020-2030 - what it gives? In Russian: http://www.kabar.kg/news/v-kr-planiruiut-utverdit-kontceptciiu-migratcionnoi-politiki-na-2020-2030-gody-chto-ona-dast.
Backed into a corner? Why migrants from Central Asia abandon their children in Russia