Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: February 10 - 23
Whether migrant workers would be able to get Mandatory Social Medical Insurance services In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/ru/smogut-li-trudyaschiesya-migranty-poluchat-uslugi-v-ramkah-osms_a3616182.
Majilis confirmed right to leave and medical assistance of labor migrants from Uzbekistan In Russian: https://vlast.kz/novosti/37318-pravo-na-otpusk-i-medpomos-trudovyh-migrantov-iz-uzbekistana-zakrepil-mazilis.html.
How migration processes would be regulated in Kazakhstan In Russian: https://kapital.kz/gosudarstvo/84788/kak-budut-regulirovat-migratsionnyye-protsessy-v-kazakhstane.html.
Migration disaster: a map of population outflow from the North Kazakhstan oblast was compiled In Russian: https://tengrinews.kz/kazakhstan_news/migratsionnaya-katastrofa-sostavlena-karta-ottoka-naseleniya-392272/.
Kyrgyzstanis to discuss CIS Migration Code at International Labor Forum In Russian: here.
3 million 450 thousand KGS of fines paid labor migrants in the Kyrgyz Republic In Russian: here.
In 2019, migrants remitted $ 2.4 billion to Kyrgyzstan In Russian: here.
Budget of Kyrgyzstan loses a billion KGS annually due to illegal migrants In Russian: https://24.kg/vlast/144238_iz-za_nelegalnyih_migrantov_byudjet_kyirgyizstana_teryaet_ejegodno_milliard_somov/.
A separate law to protect migrants comes up in Uzbekistan In Russian: https://podrobno.uz/cat/obchestvo/v-uzbekistane-poyavitsya-otdelnyy-zakon-dlya-zashchity-migrantov-/ .
All private employment agencies may close in Uzbekistan In Russian: https://rus.azattyk.org/a/30442741.html.
Uzbek Prime Minister praised the benefits of the EAEU for migrants
ILO Takes Part in 2020 Sustainable Cooperation Forum in Moscow In English: https://www.ilo.org/moscow/news/WCMS_737049/lang--en/index.htm.
More than 18 billion rubles replenished labor migrants in 2019 budget of Moscow In Russian: https://mc.mos.ru/ru/about/piece-of-news/292.
Labor crisis In Russian: https://kapital.kz/economic/84543/krizis-trudovykh-otnosheniy.html.
A chance for Tajik specialists: a new migration law enters into force in Germany In Russian: https://rus.ozodi.org/a/30443938.html.