Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: 1-15 February 2019
First meeting of the Energy Efficiency Coordinating Council held In Russian: http://unison.kg/ru/content/sostoyalos-pervoe-zasedanie State Committee for National Security announced the real amount spent on modernization of Bishkek CHP In Russian: http://kabar.kg/news/gknb-nazval-real-nuiu-tcenu-modernizatcii-tetc-g.bishkek/ Kyrgyzstan offered Russia to return to the Upper-Naryn HPP project In Russian: https://ru.sputnik.kg/economy/20190206/1043216350/kyrgyzstan-rossii-lavrov-vnk-gehs.html Kyrgyzstan to repay 160 billion KGS (US$ 2.3 billion) by 2045 for loans in the energy sector In Russian: https://kyrtag.kg/ru/news/kyrgyzstan-po-kreditam-na-energoproekty-dolzhen-vernut-160-mlrd-somov-do-2045-goda Kyrgyzstan to repay $492 million for Bishkek CHP modernization In Russian: https://kyrtag.kg/ru/news/kyrgyzstan-dolzhen-vyplatit-po-kreditu-na-tets-492-mln- National Energy Holding and ADB discuss installation of solar systems in Issyk-Kul Oblast and the purchase of electric vehicles In Russian: http://www.tazabek.kg/news:1494760?from=tazabek&place=archive President S. Jeenbekov ratified an agreement with IDA for financing a heat supply improvement project totaling US$ 46 million In Russian: www.tazabek.kg/news:1494605?f=cp |
Silmash has started the modernization of the largest thermal power plant in Uzbekistan It became known when the construction of the first NPP will begin in Uzbekistan In Russian: https://tj.sputniknews.ru/asia/20190210/1028222014/uzbekistan-nachalo-stroitelstvo-pervaya-aes.html Uzbekistan establishes Ministry of Energy In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=145112&cat=region Mirziyoev appoints energy minister In Russian: https://tj.sputniknews.ru/asia/20190204/1028161590/byvshiy-vice-premer-uzbekistana-vozglavil-minenergo.html The Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan and the World Bank prepare reforms in the country’s energy sector Tashkent to become party to the conventions on nuclear safety "Uzbekenergo" and "Uzbekneftegaz" will be restructured Lukoil increases gas production in Uzbekistan by 67% In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=145274&cat=region First solar photovoltaic station to be built in Uzbekistan In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=145058&cat=region Tashkent and Kabul discussed the prospects for implementing joint energy projects Uzbekistan approves plans for nuclear energy development for 2019-2029 In Russian: http://uzdaily.uz/articles-id-41597.htm |
Tajikistan earned US$ 77 million from electricity exports EFSD to provide Tajikistan with US$ 40 million for the reconstruction of hydroelectric power plants Tajikistan plans to increase electricity exports to Afghanistan, Uzbekistan In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=145655&cat=region Tajikistan plans to increase electricity tariff for export to Uzbekistan In Russian: https://tj.sputniknews.ru/country/20190213/1028266559/tajikistan-tarif-elektroenergiya-uzbekistan.html When will the entire population of Dushanbe get natural gas? In Russian: https://news.tj/ru/news/tajikistan/society/20190210/kogda-vsyo-naselenie-dushanbe-poluchit-prirodnii-gaz The debt of Barqi Tojik to Sangtuda-1 HPP grew by another US$ 28 million Tajikistan's population owes more than US$ 100 million for electricity US$ 222 million from the national budget will be allocated for the completion of Rogun HPP this year |
Utility tariffs down in all regions of Kazakhstan In Russian: https://24.kz/ru/news/social/item/296554-snhenie-tarifov-proizoshlovo-vsekh-regionakh-kazakhstana Bozumbayev: Kazakhstan is preparing to introduce a ban on the export of diesel fuel Gasification in Kazakhstan will reach 50.5% by the end of 2019 In Russian: https://ru.sputniknews.kz/economy/20190208/9223406/minehnergo-gazifikaciya-kazahstan-prognoz.html EBRD to allocate € 56 million for solar power plants in Kazakhstan In Russian: https://ru.sputniknews.kz/economy/20190214/9297399/eabr-kazakhstan-solnechnye-ehlektrostancii.html Samruk-Energy plans to resume construction of the third power unit at Ekibastuz-2 power plant Fitch predicts a decline in profits of electricity generating companies in Kazakhstan Astana and New Delhi signed a memorandum on cooperation in energy In Russian: https://eadaily.com/en/news/2019/02/13/astana-i-nyu-deli-podpisali-memorandum-o-sotrudnichestve-v-energetike KEGOC: South of Kazakhstan is rapidly increasing electricity consumption Solar energy production increased by 9% In Russian: https://kapital.kz/economic/75816/proizvodstvo-solnechnoj-energii-vyroslo-na-9.html Kazakhstan oil production hit new record in 2018 In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/ru/rekordnyy-ob-em-nefti-dobyl-kazahstan-v-2018-godu-kanat-bozumbaev_a3496407 |
Turkmenistan interested in co-op with German oil and gas companies In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=145711&cat=region Turkmenistan eyes to increase electricity exports to Afghanistan In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=145637&cat=region EBRD will not give Turkmenistan credit for oil production on the Caspian shelf In Russian: https://eadaily.com/en/news/2019/02/11/ebrr-ne-dast-turkmenii-kredit-dlya-neftedobychi-na-shelfe-kaspiya Petronas presents new offers to Turkmenistan In Russian: https://turkmenportal.com/blog/17409/petronas-predstavila-novye-predlozheniya-turkmenistanu Gazprom continues talks on gas purchases from Turkmenistan In Russian: https://turkmenportal.com/blog/17375/rossiiskii-gazprom-prodolzhaet-peregovory-o-zakupkah-turkmenskogo-gaza Prospects for the development of the fuel and energy complex: digital wells and fields In Russian: http://www.turkmenistan.gov.tm/?id=18092 Vectors of transformation: construction and electric power industries In Russian: http://www.turkmenistan.gov.tm/?id=18111 |
Other regional news
Lavrov says Russia is ready to join CASA-1000 and TAPI |
Kazakhstan and its pungent oil: A curse and a blessing In English: https://eurasianet.org/kazakhstan-and-its-pungent-oil-a-curse-and-a-blessing Large and small hydropower plants in Kyrgyzstan: What can be built in the future? In Russian: www.tazabek.kg/news:1496032?f=cp Energy audits in Kazakhstan: status and prospects In Russian: https://eenergy.media/2019/02/06/energoaudit-v-kazahstane-sostoyanie-i-perspektivy/ |