Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: 1-15 June 2019
National Energy Holding to explore options for a 100 MW solar plant in Chui Valley
In Russian: www.tazabek.kg/news:1552225?f=cp
CASA-1000: what is it, who is financing it and who won the construction tenders for Kyrgyzstan?
Read more: www.tazabek.kg/news:1550539?f=cp
Preparing for the winter: Bishkek CHP to get 400 thousand tons of Kazakh coal
In Russian: https://kabar.kg/news/podgotovka-k-ozp-dlia-tetc-bishkeka-zakupiat-400-tys-tonn-kazakhstanskogo-uglia/
Kyrgyzstan to introduce a product quality passport for oil
In Russian: https://www.vb.kg/doc/378999_v_kyrgyzstane_vvedyt_edinyy_pasport_kachestva_na_neft.html
Less water in Kyrgyzstan. Are energy companies prepared for a shortage?
In Russian: https://www.vb.kg/doc/378847_v_kr_malo_vody._energetiki_gotoviatsia_k_deficity.html
Illicit trade in fuels and lubricants - a national disaster
In Russian: https://24.kg/ekonomika/119807_kontrabanda_gsm_bedstvie_natsionalnogo_masshtaba/
Newsletter of the National Energy Holding Company for May 2019
In Russian: http://energyholding.kg/content/articles_view/841
Kyrgyz citizens urged to save electricity
In Russian: http://novosti.kg/2019/06/kyrgyzstantsev-prizyvayut-ekonomit-elektroenergiyu/
A bill to ban uranium mining presented in Parliament
In Russian: https://kyrtag.kg/ru/news/v-parlament-kyrgyzstana-vnesli-zakonoproekt-o-zaprete-dobychi-urana
Kyrgyzstan will not export electricity this year
In Russian: http://kabar.kg/news/kyrgyzstan-ne-budet-eksportirovat-v-etom-godu-elektroenergiiu-elektricheskie-stantcii/
Energy Minister discusses collaboration with Mitsubishi
In Russian: https://www.uzdaily.uz/ru/post/44402
Renewable energy in Uzbekistan to become profitable
In Russian: https://www.uzdaily.uz/ru/post/44350
Regional Electric Networks JSC: Electricity distribution companies to cover the costs for installing modern electricity meters
In Russian: https://www.uzdaily.uz/ru/post/44226
Deputy Speaker of the legislative: You can get energy from the sun equal to 51 billion tons of oil equivalent per year
In Russian: https://www.uzdaily.uz/ru/post/44219
Dmitry Medvedev: General agreement on the construction of the nuclear power plant in Uzbekistan to be ready before the end of the year
In Russian: https://www.uzdaily.uz/ru/post/44190
Planned hike of gas and electricity tariffs delayed
In Russian: https://www.uzdaily.uz/ru/post/44172
Electricity generation that advances development: Uzbekistan and China launch one of the most technologically advanced hydropower plants in the region
SOCAR and BP present details about planned Aral Sea exploration in Uzbekistan
Dashtijum HPP on Pyanj to produce 15.6 billion kWh per year and export to Central and South Asia
In Russian: http://ca-news.org/news:1551282
Tajikistan joins integrated energy system of Central Asia to increase electricity exports to Uzbekistan
In Russian: http://ca-news.org/news:1551238
The European Union allocates 20 million EUR for the construction of Sebzor HPP
In Russian: http://ca-news.org/news:1550653
Tajikistan launches second unit of Rogun HPP
Tajik Government preparing for second phase of Nurek HPP modernization
In Russian: http://ca-news.org/news:1550459
Hassan and Co to build another refinery in Tajikistan
JICA promotes solar energy generation in Dushanbe hospitals
ADB forecast for Tajikistan: Increased power generation to boost exports
Tajikistan exports over 11 million kWh a day
In Russian: http://avesta.tj/2019/06/07/tadzhikistan-ezhesutochno-eksportiruet-svyshe-11-mln-kvt-ch-elektroenergii-2/
Kazakhstan is ready to supply oil to Belarus
In Russian: https://kursiv.kz/news/otraslevye-temy/2019-06/kazakhstan-gotov-postavlyat-neft-v-belarus
New rail transport fee schedule could result in coal price increase in East Kazakhstan Region
In Russian: https://kursiv.kz/news/ekonomika/2019-06/iz-za-novogo-tarifa-na-perevozki-mozhet-podorozhat-ugol-v-vko
Kazakhstan to reduce export duty for petroleum products
In Russian: https://kursiv.kz/news/otraslevye-temy/2019-06/kazakhstan-snizit-stavku-etp-dlya-nefteproduktov
Commissioning of new hydropower plant in the East Kazakhstan Region postponed to autumn
In Russian: https://kursiv.kz/news/otraslevye-temy/2019-06/srok-sdachi-novoy-ges-v-vko-perenesen-na-osen
New oil field under development in West Kazakhstan Region
In Russian: https://kursiv.kz/news/otraslevye-temy/2019-06/novoe-mestorozhdenie-nefti-razrabotayut-v-zko
Share of aged generation assets reduced by 30%
LUKOIL seeks to obtain offshore drilling rights in the Caspian Sea
In Russian: https://kursiv.kz/news/otraslevye-temy/2019-06/lukoyl-namerena-poluchit-pravo-nedropolzovaniya-na-uchastke
Oil production at Kashagan reaches record 400 thousand barrels a day
Environmentalists to investigate the Mangystau oil spill damage
In Russian: https://kursiv.kz/news/otraslevye-temy/2019-06/mangistauskie-ekologi-podschityvayut-uscherb-ot-razliva-nefti
Kazakhstan may start supplying fuel to Kyrgyzstan in July
In Russian: https://kursiv.kz/news/otraslevye-temy/2019-06/kazakhstan-mozhet-nachat-postavlyat-gsm-v-kyrgyzstan-v-iyule
Kalamkas and Khazar fields to produce up to 100 thousand barrels of oil per day
Procurement of energy inefficient equipment to become harder for Kazakh businesses
Companies to receive financial support for implementing energy efficiency projects
Ministry of Industry report highlights low quality of energy audits
In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/ru/nizkoe-kachestvo-energoaudita-otmechayut-v-miir-rk_a3535231
SolarPower Europe and Association of Renewable Energy of Kazakhstan sign cooperation agreement
Thermal power plant admits responsibility for the mass death of fish in Ural and Peretsk rivers
In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/ru/v-atyrau-nazvali-vinovnyh-v-massovoy-gibeli-ryby-v-rekah-ural-i-peretask_a3534599
Kazakhstan tops the rank of countries with the cheapest natural gas for households
In Russian: https://dknews.kz/gaz/kazahstan-snova-priznan-stranoi-s-samym-desevym-gazom-dla-naselenia.html
Kazakhstan to commission another 10 renewable energy projects by year’s end
In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/ru/do-konca-goda-v-kazahstane-planiruyut-vvesti-esche-10-ob-ektov-vie_a3536297
Turkmen gas for the Russian South
In Russian: https://oilcapital.ru/article/general/05-06-2019/turkmenskiy-gaz-dlya-rossiyskogo-yuga
Production plant for gasoline from natural gas to be commissioned in Turkmenistan on June 28
Gazprom and Turkmengaz sign new contract
Other regional news
World Bank to allocate $ 65 million to complete Pakistan part of CASA-1000 project
Solar electricity prices in Kazakhstan down 34% in 2018 as a result of auctions
Kazakhs pay for gas less than its production cost. Gasification rose from 30 to 50% in the last 5 years
How much will it cost to produce 1 kWh of electricity in 2019? (Kyrgyzstan)
In Russian: www.tazabek.kg/news:1549719?f=cp
Kazakhstan and green economy: a paradigm shift or an attempt to give out desirable for valid?
On atomic еnergy in Central Asia: interviews on recent events
Validation of unified methodology for assessing potential of wind and solar energy in the CIS countries
Website: https://www.unece.org/index.php?id=51893
55th meeting of the CIS Electric Power Council - 4-5 July 2019
Website: http://energo-cis.ru/rumain51281/