Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: 16 – 31 May 2019
Member of Parliament without prior experience in the energy sector to head the National Energy Holding In Russian: https://rus.azattyk.org/a/kyrgyzstan-energoholding-head-nazarov/29969381.html NESK needs to raise electricity tariff to achieve profitability In Russian: https://www.akchabar.kg/ru/news/OAO-NESK-htoby-poluchit-priby-neobkhodimo-podnyat-tarif-na-elektroenergiyu/ Eurasian Fund to finance the modernization of Uch-Kurgan HPP In Russian: https://www.akchabar.kg/ru/news/Yevraziyskiy-fond-profinansiruyet-modernizatsiyu-Uch-Kurganskoy-GES/ Ministry of Economy to combat illicit fuel market In Russian: https://www.akchabar.kg/ru/news/ministerstvo-ekonomiki-budet-borotsya-s-tenevym-rynkom-gsm/ Rasul Umbetaliev: Kyrgyz Government to buy another 400 thousand tons of Kazakh coal for Bishkek TPP Bishkekteploset launches Heat Supply Improvement Project In Russian: http://www.teploseti.kg/content/articles_view/1254 Information on the financial situation of NES Kyrgyzstan (national grid operator) In Russian: http://energyholding.kg/content/articles_view/830 One in four liters of gasoline in Kyrgyzstan sold illegally In Russian: https://24.kg/ekonomika/118319_kajdyiy_chetvertyiy_litr_benzina_vkyirgyizstane_prodaetsya_nelegalno/ Kyrgyzstan may remain without Kazakh gasoline due to long negotiations In Russian: https://24.kg/ekonomika/118315_iz-za_dolgih_peregovorov_kyirgyizstan_mojet_ostatsya_bez_kazahskogo_benzina_/ Gas stations to get an electronic system for controlling sale of petroleum products Government won’t increase electricity tariffs until sector reform is completed In Russian: https://24.kg/ekonomika/117866_pravitelstvo_nepovyisit_tarifyi_naelektroenergiyu_poka_reformiruet_otrasl/ 500,000 tons of coal to be produced at Kara Keche in 2019 |
Gas and electricity prices to increase from June In Russian: https://eadaily.com/ru/news/2019/05/21/v-uzbekistane-s-iyunya-uvelichivayutsya-ceny-na-gaz-i-elektrichestvo Rosatom confirms that Uzbekistan’s NPP will be built close to Aydarkul reservoir In Russian: https://rus.ozodlik.org/a/29972890.html On the use of renewable energy sources - Text of the new law on renewable energy signed by the President on 21 May 2019 In Russian: http://uza.uz/ru/documents/ob-ispolzovanii-vozobnovlyaemykh-istochnikov-energii-22-05-2019 Fergana refinery to set product prices independently In Russian: https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2019/05/27/fnpz/ Uzbekistan invited to intensify its Energy Charter participation In Russian: https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2019/05/21/energy/ Restricting enterprises in the choice of energy inputs used will affect inflation - Central Bank In Russian: https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2019/05/21/inflation/ Azeri company Socar to increase oil production in Kashkadarya In Russian: https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2019/05/20/socar/ Russian standards to be used during NPP construction In Russian: https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2019/05/16/rules/ Road map for the 2019-2020 NPP construction signed In Russian: https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2019/05/16/road-map/ Capacity development - a priority in the implementation of the NPP project in Uzbekistan In Russian: https://www.uzdaily.uz/ru/post/43835 Ministry of Energy to establish joint venture with French company In Russian: http://uzdaily.uz/ru/post/43833 |
Tajik electricity exports to Afghanistan: direct or via transit through Uzbekistan? In Russian: https://rus.ozodi.org/a/29956053.html Rogun HPP set to raise equity capital Tajikistan committed to train Afghan specialists in energy and medicine |
14 MW solar plant to be built in Turkestan region KazTransOil and Transneft discuss compensations for dirty oil In Russian: https://ru.sputniknews.kz/economy/20190519/10190482/kaztransoyl-transneft-kompensatsiya.html Solar and wind power plants to be built in the Turkestan region 100 new electric buses to be added to the capital’s public transport Kazakhstan is ready to discuss with OPEC conditions for reducing oil production In Russian: https://kapital.kz/economic/78338/kazahstan-gotov-obsuzhdat-s-opek-usloviya-snizheniya-dobychi-nefti.html Kazatomprom sells 75% share in three renewable energy subsidiaries In Russian: https://kursiv.kz/news/kompanii/2019-05/kazatomprom-prodal-75-doley-uchastiya-v-trekh-neprofilnykh-dochkakh Kazakhstan prepared to raise Kazatomprom’s free float - official Russia halts transit of Kazakh LPG and coal to Ukraine - document Exclusive: Total seeks to reduce stake in giant Kashagan oilfield - sources Kazakhstan aims to raise $3-$5 bln from state energy firm sale, says official |
TAPI gas pipeline – a new round of talks to be held in Avaza In English: https://orient.tm/en/tapi-gas-pipeline-a-new-round-of-talks-will-be-held-in-avaza/ Petronas aims to expand cooperation with Turkmenistan In English: https://orient.tm/en/petronas-aims-to-expand-cooperation-with-turkmenistan/ Blue fuel of Turkmenistan – blue sky of the Middle Kingdom In English: https://orient.tm/en/blue-fuel-of-turkmenistan-blue-sky-of-the-middle-kingdom-2/ Large oil companies at the anniversary gas congress of Turkmenistan In English: https://orient.tm/en/large-oil-companies-at-the-anniversary-gas-congress-of-turkmenistan/ Gas contract with the Russian Federation will reduce the relevance of the Trans-Caspian gas pipeline for Turkmenistan Turkmen delegation took part in the World Hydropower CongressIn Russian: http://turkmenistan.gov.tm/?id=18746US calls on Turkmenistan to join Southern Gas Corridor In English: https://www.azernews.az/oil_and_gas/151273.html Tadjibay: a new field of sulfur-free gas In Russian: http://turkmenistan.gov.tm/?id=18773 |
Other regional news
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