American University of Central Asia - AUCA - News


Results: 2627

"Teaching or flying? I very much like being a flying English teacher" - Paul Drosnes, NGA professor
Teaching or flying? I very much like being a flying English teacher. I am passionate about teaching, I love meeting students from all over the world.
Open House Day at AUCA - How was it?
If you like the sound of AUCA then find out more. Visit us at Open Day event and see for yourself what the American University of Central Asia really has to offer. 
Alumni Spotlight: Rashid Daurov. Business Administration’04, Chief Financial Officer at HSBC Kazakhstan.
"There were a lot of interesting moments during my time at AUCA, but the general positive memory I have is about the people at AUCA (both faculty and students) – diverse, open-minded and eager to change the world for the better."
A story of NGA alumnus, Almazbek Suiunbekov,sophomore student of Business Administration
This simply means that to win such kind of competitions I have been preparing myself from the very first days of my studies at AUCA, which started from NGA in 2013.
Diversity Week is coming!
Whole week, from January 27th to 30th, 2015 you will have a chance to listen to the remarkable presentations on the culture and traditions of diverse nationalities around AUCA; you will have a chance to try various refined foods and watch exciting videos and unforgettable performances of delegations.
Second Round: Call for Proposals: CASI Research Grants for AUCA Faculty and Students
CASI grant Requirements for AUCA faculty and AUCA students 
AUCA faculty
CASI provides modest fellowships to AUCA faculty (dependent on CASI’s own funding levels). These fellowships will be awarded on a competitive basis and will require a series of commitments:

Faculty wishing to obtain an award should apply to become CASI affiliated members. This requires an up-to-date CV (full list of publications and participation in any other externally funded projects included).
Faculty awarded fellowships will be required to provide an overview of their research project at a CASI seminar that is open to both AUCA faculty and students, as well as to the larger scholarly community. Alternatively and if appropriate, they may give a guest lecture covering their project to a MACAS course (this will require the approval of the CASI director/MACAS head).
Faculty awardees are obliged to suggest one speaker for CASI’s seminars or talks forums.
Faculty awardees will also have to moderate the discussion at one of CASI’s seminars or talks forums, and perform all the functions that this entails – introducing the speaker, fielding questions, controlling the discussion, etc.
Finally, faculty awardees will be required to submit a report once their research is completed, detailing their project and what they have achieved. 

In order to ensure compliance, CASI will disburse fellowship funding in installments, with further disbursements being contingent on fulfilling the requirements the Institute has set. It should also go without saying, that all other things being equal, CASI will favor those projects whose faculty are active participants in CASI’s various activities.
AUCA senior students
Beyond funding AUCA faculty, CASI will also provide small fellowships for students completing their senior theses, so long as they relate to Central Asia. In order to apply for a CASI fellowship, senior students will need a short recommendation letter from their thesis supervisor. While CASI will provide funding, students’ monitoring once fellowships have been awarded will be carried out by their respective supervisors. Senior students will also be required to present the outcome of their research at a CASI seminar.
For both faculty and senior students
All presentations and publications based on research carried out with the support of a CASI grant should clearly acknowledge it, in oral or in written form. Indications on what this acknowledgement should read like will be provided later.
Applications for CASI research grants by AUCA faculty should include:

List of publications
Research topic (1 page)
Research activities (how exactly the grant will be spent: fieldwork, library research, travel, data processing, other)
Major outcome (presentation at a conference, publication, other)
Tentative schedule of research activities
Tentative budget

Applications for CASI research grants by AUCA undergraduate seniors should include:

Research topic (1 page)
Research activities (how exactly the grant will be spent: fieldwork, library research, travel, data processing, other)
Tentative schedule of research activities
Tentative budget
Recommendation from thesis supervisor

Applications should be submitted electronically to by March 15, 2015. In the subject line it should be clearly indicated “CASI Research Grant_Application_Surname”.
Further inquiries can be addressed to: 
Svetlana Jacquesson,
Christopher Baker,
AUCA has subscribed to Choice Reviews Online
AUCA has subscribed to Choice Reviews Online. The Choice Review Online contains reviews of recent academic books and electronic resources, bibliographic essays, and lists of significant forthcoming book titles. 
Two graduates of American University of Central Asia joined KPMG team in Almaty
Chynara Baichaeva and Dair Bozgunchiev shared their stories and experience of working at one of the world’s largest companies with us.
Go JMC department!
On January 10th 2014, two students of Journalism and Mass Communications at AUCA won in the national online photo contest "Authentic stories of life" that has been organized on the eve of an international photo exhibition of World Press Photo 2014. Aipery Janyzak took 1st place in the contest while Tatyana Esaulenko won the audience choice award.  
"Well everything I have today really started from NGA" - Aimeerim Shukurbekova, IBL
Aimeerim grew up in Osh and she went to NGA because of the scholarship and AUCA’s reputation. Aimeerim has been learning English for 3 years and she is planning to work in the international arena in future.

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + Еxt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028
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